EMS D120 CTL EXH temp readings


New Member
Jan 20, 2009
I have a EMS D120, works great. but yesterday on start up and Idle I got a sudden very high and indreasing reading on the CYH and EXH temps on #3 cylinder. This subsided before take off back to normal. After about a 15 minute climb, everyting was normal, but when I pulled it back to cruise all at once both CYL and EXT temps on #3 started a rapid climb up to about 1600 and the alarm went off. The engine was runing well, not miss. I reduced power, increased fuel flow, no change it kept climbing. I tried full power and it immediately started down in temps to normal, and landing was fine [smiley=cry.gif]. I have never had this happen before and think it was a software/hardware glitch. There was no blockage in the air intake on the motor, has anyone else every had this happen. :'(


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
If it was just on either one of the EGT or CHT, it might mean a failed sensor or a bad connection. But the fact that both are giving high readings on the same cylinder probably means there really is something going on with that cylinder. It is impossible, or at least very unlikely, that a software glitch could do that. The EMS is, unfortunately, probably telling you that something is wrong with that cylinder.