EMS Error


New Member
Jan 30, 2007
I just updated an installation in progress with this file and Method 1 -


In the process I seem to have lost all of my EMS data - the screen is the same and the widgets are there with my few edits, but no data is displayed.

The EMS>SENSOR DEBUG page shows all of the inputs as "nan", but the sensor mapping page is unaltered and seems to be correct.

I presume a file is missing and after a brief call to Support I loaded this file -


No change occurred. The EMS is OK on the network and the LED is flashing.

I presume I have a basic file missing somewhere but don't know where to look. :(


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
How about under SYSTEM SETUP > SKYVIEW NETWORK SETUP > NETWORK STATUS? Does the EMS module show up there with no errors? What are you seeing on the EMS widgets? Lots of zeros, or lots of red Xes?

If there's nothing wrong with the network status, can you first take a settings backup so we can see what you're seeing settings-wise?

Next, know that there is a backup settings file (.dfg) in a subdirectory of the USB stick you used to upgrade if you were coming from a recent SkyView software version. You can try loading that to see if that restores things.


New Member
Jan 30, 2007
I chatted with Dynon Support this morning and by unplugging EMS cables we determined it to be a 'dirty connector pins' problem.

Plugged in the big EMS connector after cleaning and all worked well.


After the phone call I plugged in the EGT/CHT cable and it failed again.
Very strange since it's a factory cable with no sensors installed. What could a cable with cut ends do?

After a bit of looking it seems that one of the cut cable ends (cut, not stripped) had rested on the ammeter shunt and the extra voltage had shut down the EMS.

My fault, however who would have thought a cut end of a CHT/EGT cable could even connect to a voltage source?   ::)