EMS fuel flow sensor installation


New Member
Sep 29, 2009
I'm about to install the fuel flow sensor, but two points are unclear to me. If I understand, it has to be installed horizontally, to get the wires pointing straight up. Is that the case ?
Other point, there must be 6" of straight fuel line before and after, and after, the fuel must travel uphill. So, to meet those two conditions, after the sensor the fuel line needs to be horizontal on 6 inches, after that there must be an elbow so that the fuel travels uphill. Do I understant correctly ?
I will be glad to read the experience of the dear fellow members of this forum :)


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
In our experience, all the pointing up, length before and after stuff is not really needed. The company that sells the senders recommends that, but it appears to be just so the calibration matches the tag they ship with. We've seen a lot of installs that are anything but the recommended and they work fine.

You probably do want to try and obey the wires "up" suggestion though, as this is there to try and keep bubbles from getting trapped in the sender (it's a helical path inside and this puts the twist going up inside).