EMS Turning Off


New Member
Jul 19, 2009
While flying today, the EMS switched itself off and then restarted immediately with no obvious changes to the display. Initially it happened about 10 minutes apart, but after an hour or so, it started happening a minute or so apart. EMS and GPS are on the same power supply, but do not switch off.
I had some trouble a while ago with the MAP sensor when I wired it back to front. I rectified the wiring, but the MAP doesn't display as it should, it just reads ambient pressure (with some fluctuation happening). This I am not concerned with unless it is causing the power outage problem.
Also the Tacho is reading correctly, but does tend to fluctuate a bit up and down. Doesn't seem to be related to the power outage when that occurs. Voltage is showing about 13.4 volts and the current shows about -3 amps when flying.
Not sure where to start, would appreciate some guidance.
Thanks, John


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
I am assuming you do not have the battery backup. If the unit switches off there are only two possibilities - bad power/ground leads (intermittent disconnect) or a flaw in the unit. Re-check your wires and connectors vigorously.

If your MAP correctly reads ambient pressure with altitude then it WORKS. You either have a leak in your tubing or in the sensor itself.

You did not specify how you have RPM connected. If to a Mag, there were reports you might need to play around a bit with different resistors to get solid readings. Or, as in the power situation above, there could be an intermittent poor contact. I had that problem when my solder job to the resistor was not perfect.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
All sound advice there. If you'd like to talk to our tech support staff, too, give us a call at 425-402-0433