EMS120 Fuel Tank Calibration problem / strangeness


New Member
Oct 24, 2005
Auckland NZ
T51 baby Mustang / Two Main Tanks - 28 Litres each / Princeton 5 point Capacitance senders / Type 2 / Global Set to 2 tanks etc etc...

I get 501 as a reading when the tanks are full and I am looking at the start screen for a tank calibration. I put 35 litres for the tank capacity and during the calibration of the tank I see the numbers go progressively to 245 ish at 20 litres. Then everything stops increasing even if I add more fuel to full.

I answer YES when the system detects no increase in value and the calibration complets and I am left with a 20 litre FULL reading. The tank guaging is perfectly OK up to 20 L but above that it just reads 20 (of course since that seems to be its' version of full).

My query is... When it asks for tank quantity at the start of the calibartion run is this the tank you are working on or a TOTAL capacity.

I have been reading it as just the ONE tank, but these results make me think I should be putting in the TOTAL tankage as this may be why it is maxing me out at 20L per side.

Thoughts please before I get brain damage from do this over and over to the same result and breathing is all the petrol fumes.

Madness is after all define as "Doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result"...



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Re: EMS120 Fuel Tank Calibration problem / strange

We only ask you how many gallons (or liters) the tank is to gauge what increments to have you add fuel in. Literally it is 100% ignored after that. You could tell us you have a 1 gallon tank and you could calibrate to 100 gallons if you wanted to. The quantity we ask you for is per tank, not total.

If the sensor value stops changing, that has nothing to do with us. It's either the cal of the princeton sender or the way it's installed preventing it from seing all the fuel.


New Member
Oct 24, 2005
Auckland NZ
Re: EMS120 Fuel Tank Calibration problem / strange

This I understand, but if I just add fuel in increments and don't press ADD each time the numbersw go progressively all the way to 501 (5,01V), yet when I press ADD the number stops increasing at 245 or so - same both sides.

The output from the Priceton is damn near linear with tank quantity both from the Dynon readings as above and using a voltmeter.

I have reflashed with 5.1.1 and all other indications on the 120 are normal.

Something in the calibration routine is stopping the increase of voltage numbers after 20L.

The tank indications from 0-20L is perfect - very strange...



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Re: EMS120 Fuel Tank Calibration problem / strange

Never heard of this before, but we can try and check it out at the office and see if we can re-create the problem you're seeing. Much of the support staff is out of the office until after the 1st of the year so it might take us a week though.


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
Re: EMS120 Fuel Tank Calibration problem / strange


I'm going through installation of a Princeton, too. I believe that in the instructions it says that you need to run the Princeton setup first to set "Empty" and "Full" - it seems as though it is saying that it will not change the output signal above and below those calibrated levels.

If that is true, then that would indeed cause the symptoms you are experiencing.