engine sensor calibrations



I didn't see anywhere in the manual about the need to calibrate any of the temperature sensors for the EMS. It would seem prudent to drop each thermocouple into boiling water and calibrate to 212F.

Is this just not necessary??




Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Hi Frank,

All thermocouples of a given "type" are specified to output a certain voltage for a given temperature over the range it measures. The EMS is built to take type J thermocouples for the CHTs and type K thermocouples for the EGTs. As long as the thermocouples are of this type, the temperature readings will be correct unless either a probe or the EMS is broken. That said, you can still throw them in boiling water to confirm everything is working well.

As for our other sensors, they are all fully characterized by us, using polynomial fits. This is one thing that Dynon Avionics does VERY differently than some other engine monitor manufacturers. Some other systems require that you to boil water, find a way to produce known pressures, and jump through other hoops to calibrate sensors for your particular installation. Sometimes you even need to source sensors yourself. In contrast, Dynon Avionics characterizes each probe that it sells so that when you purchase a probe package from us, all you need to do is hook each probe up and tell the EMS which probe type is installed. You could almost call the Dynon approach "plug n' play", but without the "blue screen of death"!