Ext Compass Calibration



I have tried several times to calibrate my external compass. I am using the latest version which allows this process without the laptop. Each time I get to the end of the process I get a message there was an error and to return to East. Then it says error, and redo South followed by an error and the instruction to calibrate West. Again, when I conclude it tells me there was an error and to start over. At $3.59 a gallon I can't afford to continue going in circles.<g> Seriously, though, any ideas here? I did plug in the dip angle and I'm pretty confident of my external compass orientation. Would it matter that it's a tail dragger and the compass is obviously not in flight attitude? I tried this in air but didn't have much luck. Thanks.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
This error usually means that not enough valid data was collected for the heading(s) that the EFIS is asking you to redo. The most common cause of this is moving the aircraft before the full 15 second data collection timer has expired.

If you don't think this is a factor, call us at 425-402-0433 so we can get some more detail about your installation.

Ray Doerr(Guest)

I have the D10A and the EDC connected and running fine, but I ran the cal routine on the ground and select the N, S, E and W buttons, but did not turn the airplane. I guess you can say I was just playing around. Now the heading indicator is jumping around real fast about +- 20 degrees. Is there any way to clear the calabration in the unit?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
There is no way to "clear out" the calibration, but performing the calibration again will overwrite the one you've already done. Also know that even though the heading is jumping wildly, there is nothing inherently wrong with the unit other than the calibration.