External Fans


I love flying!<br />
Mar 5, 2016
Hi All,

Great experience shared on this forum!!!

I noticed on another post that the RV airplanes have external fans that are wired to the AUX fuel pump.

What is the purpose of these fans? I am planning on a panel with dual SV-1000 plus SV autopilot /transponder /radio. The only additional equipment will be an SL15 and a Garmin 650.

Since the Skyview equipment is mostly remote mounted low heat boxes and the Garmin 650 has its own fan I am doubtful that there will be a significant amount of heat to have to worry about.

If this is true (please chime in) would an RV builder who has the same equipment need to install the fan in the usual manner?


Jan 22, 2010
Never heard of a fan wired to the AUX fuel pump, no idea which RV would have this. With that said I have a -10 and have two computer fans on my dash, used as a defogger but its basically taking the heated air from behind the panel and blowing it out. Last week I heard of another -10 that has his transponder overheating and needed to blow cooler air on it to keep it cooler. He's in Texas I'm in So Cal, weather has been hot and we have never had any issues with heating. The fans have served me well for defogging but they were never used to cool anything down so not sure it would be needed for that purpose.
The AUX fuel pump, which in my case sits in a tunnel, which does get hot due to the cabin heat coming through the tunnel, is not connected to the panel, never had any fan near it anyway.
In short, an external fan isn't necessary to blow more air than the built-in fans provide.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The RV-12 has a fan which shares a fuse with the fuel pump. It's not an aux pump, it runs all the time the master is on. No other RV's have a factory recommended or required electrical system.

In our experience, fans are not needed for SkyView in an RV.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
Adelaide, Australia
After having wired 35 RV's I'll second that ;)

My recommendation for any RV (& most experimentals) is to have at least some vent grilles in the glareshield to dissipate the heat bubble build up behind the instrument panel.


Active Member
Aug 22, 2007
The RV-12 has a fan which shares a fuse with the fuel pump. It's not an aux pump, it runs all the time the master is on. No other RV's have a factory recommended or required electrical system.

In our experience, fans are not needed for SkyView in an RV.
But - a GPS navigator like the GTN-650 puts out a lot of heat (it is a huge power hog). One or two $3 muffin fans mounted to the bottom of the glare-shield eliminates the issue - and provides defrost for the limited times you need it. I have them on a separate switch.
