Firmware 3.0.0 upgrade problem


New Member
Feb 18, 2007
Hi Dynon Support

I can successfully download the new support program 3.0.0 to my flash drive. At the end of the installation to my laptop I received the following message -

"Unable to execute file c:\Program Files\Dynon Support\hhupd.exe. Create process failed; code 2. The system cannot find the file specified".

When I click on OK, the dialogue box closes and the Product Support 3.0.0 program opens in the same way as I have always found in the past (I have been successfully upgrading from version 2.11 right through to version 2.19 without any problems).

I have tried the download and install a number of times on both my laptop and my desktop and I get the same result each time.

On the basis of the message I have decided to not upgrade at this time. Can you tell me what the problem might be please and whether or not I should go ahead and upgrade anyway as I am keen to get the new artificial horizon display.

Many thanks



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Hi Petere,

This message has to do with the "HTML help" installation, which allows you to view the help file in the Support Program. This error message is a problem that we're looking into.

For now, when you install, go ahead and un-check "Install HTML Help to enable help files" at the end of the installation process. You'll still be able to view the help files, since all modern Windows OSs have this already installed.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We've found the issue with this error and it should be fixed shortly. Again, the error has no effect on the actual upload of software to your Dynon product. It's a problem with the installer, which is looking for a help file update program which doesn't exist. Our next installer will not have this problem.