can anyone tell me the settings for proper communication between the FlightDEK-D180 and a Garmin GTX 327?
For the FlightDEK-D180, the choices are protocol 1 through 4 (I assume it should be protocol 1?... what is the difference between 'Garmin' and 'Garmin AT'? see page 4-6 of installation manual)
For the Garmin GTX 327, the choices are:
OFF - the altitude code input is not from a RS-232 source.
GPS - RS-232 ground speed from a GPS device
ICARUS ALT - RS-232 serial altitude from an Icarus instrument 3000
ADC NO ALT - RS-232 serial air data info from Shadin ADC 200, 200+, 2000
ADC W/ALT - RS-232 serial air data info from Shadin ADC 200, 200+, 2000 plus altitude data
SHADIN ALT - RS-232 serial altitude from Shadin 8800T, 9000T, 9200T
FADC NO ALT - RS-232 serail air data from Shadin 9628XX-X family of air data computers and fuel/air data computers
FADC W/ ALT - RS-232 serial air data from Shadin 9628XX-X faminly of air data computers and fuel/air data computers plus altitude data
REMOTE - RS-232 serial input remote data. Reserved for future use.
I've tried a few of the most probably settings, but have been unable to dispaly the altitude on the Garmin GTX 327 Xponder.
For the FlightDEK-D180, the choices are protocol 1 through 4 (I assume it should be protocol 1?... what is the difference between 'Garmin' and 'Garmin AT'? see page 4-6 of installation manual)
For the Garmin GTX 327, the choices are:
OFF - the altitude code input is not from a RS-232 source.
GPS - RS-232 ground speed from a GPS device
ICARUS ALT - RS-232 serial altitude from an Icarus instrument 3000
ADC NO ALT - RS-232 serial air data info from Shadin ADC 200, 200+, 2000
ADC W/ALT - RS-232 serial air data info from Shadin ADC 200, 200+, 2000 plus altitude data
SHADIN ALT - RS-232 serial altitude from Shadin 8800T, 9000T, 9200T
FADC NO ALT - RS-232 serail air data from Shadin 9628XX-X family of air data computers and fuel/air data computers
FADC W/ ALT - RS-232 serial air data from Shadin 9628XX-X faminly of air data computers and fuel/air data computers plus altitude data
REMOTE - RS-232 serial input remote data. Reserved for future use.
I've tried a few of the most probably settings, but have been unable to dispaly the altitude on the Garmin GTX 327 Xponder.