fuel calibration problem


New Member
Dec 14, 2009
I'm in France and I help a friend to calibrate the D180.
He changed the type of gasoline Unleaded mogas 95 to Aviation 100LL.
Whe try to calibrate, but whe had an error at the end.
Two 63 litters tanks with capacity sensor.
Sart empty tank and add gasoline with 5 litters increments.
When whe reach 60 litters, whe put 3 litters to fill all the tank and I click on FULL button.
After that, there is a page with 14 rows and written: record this number !
Where ?
after that I click DONE
and a message with calibration not completed with two choises YES and  NO.
I clicked on yes, and the gauge move from 14 to 65 litters
Did I do something wrong.
thx for your help.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
I don't know the error you were seeing. If the sensors do not see a change in the fuel quantity, it asks you if you have actually added fuel, and offers a yes/no question. Perhaps you saw that. It is OK to continue on when you see that message, but it usually means that you've reached the end of the sensors range. Whenever the EMS says that it does not think it saw fuel added, it basically means that there is no change in the sensor value. Therefore, it's unable to measure that step meaningfully. Usually this happens near full or empty, where the sensors often do not reach.