Fuel gauge programing


I love flying!
Feb 11, 2012
Naples, FL
D1000, Sonex with AeroVee.
I did the initial programing of the guage one gallon at a time and got all the voltage readings recorded in the memory. I'm having a problem getting the gauge to work after turning off the main switch. The gauge reads 0 gallons. I have drained the tank and then refilled to full a couple times and to 4-5 gallons a couple times. Each time the gauge reads out the correct gallons. When I power off the main and turn back on, it reads 0 again no matter how much is in the tank.
Thanks so much!!!
Craig Mock


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Apparently your fuel level sensor is a capacitance fuel level sensor that is powered by aircraft power and the display of the fuel level is getting confused when power to the fuel level sensor is removed.

This is an individual, unique situation better handled directly with Dynon Avionics Technical Support. Please email support AT dynonavionics DOT com with the same description. They will likely ask you for screenshots of your SENSOR INPUT MAPPING for the pins you used to connect the fuel level sensors, so if you send that in advance, that would speed things up.

D1000, Sonex with AeroVee.
I did the initial programing of the guage one gallon at a time and got all the voltage readings recorded in the memory.  I'm having a problem getting the gauge to work after turning off the main switch.  The gauge reads 0 gallons.  I have drained the tank and then refilled to full a couple times and to 4-5 gallons a couple times.  Each time the gauge reads out the correct gallons.  When I power off the main and turn back on, it reads 0 again no matter how much is in the tank. 
Thanks so much!!!
Craig Mock


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2008
Gods Country - west Texas
Just a datapoint here - I have a Vans RV9A with capacitive senders in my main tanks, and the Dynon Skyview EMS on Dynon backup battery power alone does power the capacitive senders just fine to indicate correct fuel level. I don't see any difference in fuel levels (versus actual) whether running on ships power or backup battery power (such at startup).