Fuel monitor and fuel levels


New Member
Aug 10, 2006
Hi. I am busy building an Italian aircraft called a Savannah. The engine that I am installing is a Rotax 912. One of the features on the D180 is the fuel flow and fuel levels. I would very much like to make use of the all the possible features. The fuel tanks are mounted in the wings. Space is limited. What sensors would you suggest I use in the tanks ? Can one not manage your fuel like you would with the FS450 fuelflow meter?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Any resistive "float" type probe will work fine. Beyond that, other builders of your aircraft type are going to be the best sources for information on the exact probe that would work well in a physical sense.

The fuel flow computer typically provides exceptional accuracy, provided you've let it know what you're starting with in your tanks. Additionally, FAR 91.205 requires that you have fuel quantity gauges. I do not believe (but certainly am not an authority) that the fuel computer alone satisfies this requirement.