Fuel Pressure Sensor Failing - Type 1


I love flying!
Jan 16, 2013
I'm trying to figure out which type of fuel pressure sensor I have because it is failing.

The engine is a 912 ULS. On takeoff, it drops to about 1 PSI at 5500 RPM (w/ 20 l/h shown on the fuel flow from the "red cube") then when I reduce power for cruise it shows more rational numbers.

I checked the EMS setup and it shows "type 1" for this sensor. What type should I buy to replace it?



Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
So you probably have the older bell-shaped VDOstyle engine sensors, which we've since replaced with more reliable Kavlico pressure transducers.

If you bought a new 912 engine sensor kit today, you'd get a 15 PSI Kavlico fuel pressure sensor, which is p/n 101690-000. It's a suitable replacement for the older 30PSI sensor that you likely have (p/n 100411-000). The new style sensors have 3 wires, while the older ones have one or two depending on the model. Though the Kavlico is the modern replacement, it does wire up differently. See the Addendum for Kavlio Sensors document on http://docs.dynonavionics.com for those instructions for your EMS-D10, D120, or FlightDEK-D180.

All that said, if the sensor is on a US-based LSA, you do need to have the manufacturer's permission to make any change to the airplane, including changing the sensor. If you can't obtain such permission, I believe we do still have a few of the older 30 PSI sensors on hand.