Functionality without external inputs


New Member
Feb 26, 2010
I'm not completely clear as to what function and features I would have with the Skyview system without external inputs? I have all King stuff which apparently won't work with your Skyview system. If I only have a single screen Skyview ( single adhrs) with GPS module and autopilot servoes, what are the features I can expect? Any flight director? Any nav coupling ablity? I know I won't have an HSI with my King stuff but would I have it with your GPS module? I just want to know what I would be buying. Thanks, GEG


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Once we have the map software available (remember that as of this second, SkyView does not have any HSI capability), you would have the ability to use that as your NAV source. The autopilot can fly that as well (so yes to your nav coupling question), and even if you don't puchase the map, SkyView can still be an autopilot and follow heading/track/alts you give it via the bugs. You mentioned flight director, which our system doesn't currently do at all, but it's something that's possible (but not promised) as a future feature. Do a forum search for "flight director" to see some Q&As on this topic.

Also know that the mapping software's capability will also grow over time. At initial release, it will have basic airport and airspace information and "direct to" capability. Over time it will get more involved multi-point flight planning, weather, traffic, and on and on. Think of the premier "portable" units out there, and you can imagine the capabilities that we're aiming for. We want you to skip that purchase, after all, and go with a second Dynon screen w/ the map software instead!

If you haven't seen, that has a roadmap that may or may not have enough detail for you.

Also, please call us at 425-402-0433 if you want to talk configuration or get into a bit more.