G296 to D-180 and TT Digiflite 2VS a/p


New Member
May 27, 2007
Having probs getting the G296 to talk to the D180 and the A/P.

Using the violet data out 2 line off the 296 into pin 19 of the EMS DB37 connector..... should this be going via pin 22 of the EFIS DB25 connector?

Also, the 296 isn't talking to the A/P.........where it's into pin 17 of the DF2VS connector.

Have matched baud rates etc.......might it need the G296 to be updated - although it's a 2007 build?

Have installed latest updates in the D180

Need suggestions asap - we wanted to have the RV-9A checked out and closed up by Easter.

thanks in advance,

Ralph Burnett aka poteroo


Feb 23, 2007
Cairns, Australia
I don't have the TT but do have the the 296 and D180 so what I say should be a help. I presume if you get it talking to one it will talk to the other.

I will check my wiring colours but I have a vague recollection it was the blue wire. I think there were two data out lines. Don't change anything yet on the strength of this statement - I will have to check.

But the other thing that that you need to do is ensure you have the latest firmware for the D180 AND the Garmin 296.

Then also ensure your 296 is setup to output in NMEA and that the baud rate outputs are not set to fast. Needs to be set for "Normal".

I had quite a bit of trouble with the HSI on the D180 getting stuck either on north (till I updated the D 180 firmware) and then on the last heading (till I updated the 296 firmware).


Feb 23, 2007
Cairns, Australia
Checked my setup - sorry I recalled wrongly.

I have connected the violet coloured wire.   As per the Garmin handbook which has a wiring diagram in the appendix.

I recall it did not work until I slowed the output rate down to normal.

Someone in another post has a reply from Garmin stating they should connect the blue wire but that is NOT how mine is.  The wiring diagram states the blue wire is for a sounder.


New Member
Sep 26, 2007
Per my pretty recent Garmin 296 manual, both the blue and violet are out put wires.  I am currently using the violet wire for my D180 and it works just fine.  I will eventually install a Digitrak auto pilot and plan on using the blue wire.  I sure hope it works.

I got the following from Garmin support on using two outputs simultaneously on the 296 that I thought I would pass along:

"It is possible for the 296 to output to two different device simultaneously. However, both COM 1 and COM 2 settings cannot be set to the same serial data format. For the Dynon EFIS, I recommend setting COM 1 to "Aviation IN/NMEA &VHF Out." For the TrueTrak on COM 2, I recommend "NMEA In/NMEA Out." Please see pages 116-119 in the Pilot's Guide for more information"

I hope this helps somebody,
