My D-100/D-10A combo is not detecting my Garmin 396, and after reading the Garmin Aviation Portables Guide for Experimental Applications and the D100 Install guide, I have a few questions.
Quick background:
- Completing panel updgrade. Added a D-10 to existing D-100, both configured and networked via DSAB and remote compass is showing on both, so that piece seems OK.
- Added a GTX-327 XPNDR and selected format 4, and the 327 screen is showing pressure altitude from the Dynon, so that piece seems OK (though not yet flight/ATC tested).
The blue data wire on the 396 is connected to pin 22 on the D100, and I'm confirming that the 396 and Dynons share a common aircraft ground. Dynons are set to Aviation In/9600 Baud in Setup>HSI>EFIS_Serial. No GPS is indicated on the Dynon "Available GPS Inputs" screen, so I need to go to the 396 setup and make sure all is correct there, and that's where my question lies.
Per the Garmin manual, the 396 always outputs the GPRMB, GPRMC and GPGGA NMEA sentences (as needed by the Dynons). However, I do not see (in the Garmin manual) GPBOD or GPAPB listed, and the Dynon manual says one of those is required. In the Garmin manual I do see switchable NMEA sentences GPGSA, GPGSV, GPWPL and GPRTE listed, and I also see Garmin proprietaty sentences PGRME, PGRMZ, PGRMM and PGRMH listed.
The 396 is listed as one of the GPS units "known to work", so is there a selection I need to make on the 396 to replace the missing GPBOD/GPAPB? Are there any other selections I need to make on the 396? (I will ensure that "Aviation In/NMEA & VHF Out" is selected in the 396 Serial Data Format window).
Any other gotchas or recommendations? I figure this is a pretty straight-forward and proven combo of components, so if you have a quick checklist of connections and configuration options that make this work (or if I'm missing something else here), your feedback would be greatly appreciatated!
Thanks much,
Bob Mills
Quick background:
- Completing panel updgrade. Added a D-10 to existing D-100, both configured and networked via DSAB and remote compass is showing on both, so that piece seems OK.
- Added a GTX-327 XPNDR and selected format 4, and the 327 screen is showing pressure altitude from the Dynon, so that piece seems OK (though not yet flight/ATC tested).
The blue data wire on the 396 is connected to pin 22 on the D100, and I'm confirming that the 396 and Dynons share a common aircraft ground. Dynons are set to Aviation In/9600 Baud in Setup>HSI>EFIS_Serial. No GPS is indicated on the Dynon "Available GPS Inputs" screen, so I need to go to the 396 setup and make sure all is correct there, and that's where my question lies.
Per the Garmin manual, the 396 always outputs the GPRMB, GPRMC and GPGGA NMEA sentences (as needed by the Dynons). However, I do not see (in the Garmin manual) GPBOD or GPAPB listed, and the Dynon manual says one of those is required. In the Garmin manual I do see switchable NMEA sentences GPGSA, GPGSV, GPWPL and GPRTE listed, and I also see Garmin proprietaty sentences PGRME, PGRMZ, PGRMM and PGRMH listed.
The 396 is listed as one of the GPS units "known to work", so is there a selection I need to make on the 396 to replace the missing GPBOD/GPAPB? Are there any other selections I need to make on the 396? (I will ensure that "Aviation In/NMEA & VHF Out" is selected in the 396 Serial Data Format window).
Any other gotchas or recommendations? I figure this is a pretty straight-forward and proven combo of components, so if you have a quick checklist of connections and configuration options that make this work (or if I'm missing something else here), your feedback would be greatly appreciatated!
Thanks much,
Bob Mills