Garmin 430W Compatibility?


New Member
Nov 29, 2007
Just wondering if the current AP will interface with nav and approach (LPV) data from the Garmin 430W? Will it fly an entire approach vertically and horizontally? Limitations? Equipment necessary to do this?

Thank you --



New Member
Apr 2, 2007
With the HS34 the EFIS will fully integrate with the 430W but the AP will not fly the vertical guidance from the 430W. The AP76 was suppose to have that functionallity but Dynon put it on permanent hold for the time being and may never produce it. With the HS34, the current products will fly the lateral guidance from the 430W.

The Skyview product is being marketed as going to have this capability but not out of the gate.


Active Member
Jun 15, 2008
Brisbane, Qld. Australia
Not if I have my way.....

I am about to muster a petition and a war chest to take personally on a crusade to Seattle all the way from down here. Going to put my money where my mouth is....errr keyboard is.

So any of you and your friends want to get on board let me know

Ohhh Dynon.....its not really a nasty war.....  :) But I will be in touch again on how we can work together on this. I even have the guys to support it if need be! Mind you they are paid to do far more profitable things!


PS the rest of the AP HSI etc is Bloody Briliant!!!! :)


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
I right there with you David...

We wants the AP76!

We wants the AP76!

We wants the AP76!

Listen to your customers!

We wants the AP76!

We wants the AP76!

We wants the AP76!



New Member
Nov 29, 2007
Thanks guys,

As it stands right now, can anyone comment on the current AP functionality relative to 430W use in general? How well does it track and hold enroute, approach, etc. Any issues?

Off on a tangent here but, does the current AP interface with the 696 as well?

Thanks again,



New Member
Jul 27, 2007

There have been several threads and a couple of polls taken on the AP on the Van's Air Force forums.  Results are generally positive (and improving), and the teething pains found with any new product are all receiving prompt attention from Dynon and steadily being resolved.  I have little doubt that all of the supported features will be working to 100% satisfaction in the few outstanding edge cases in short order.

The investment therefore is a safe one (and a bargain); the only remaining question is whether they will implement 2-axis coupling in this generation of product.


Active Member
Jun 15, 2008
Brisbane, Qld. Australia

We have a GNS530W and the whole suite of Dynon gear, and we have been really quite happy.

Just last week my aircraft partner and retired Qantas B744 Captain did about 17 hours in our RV-10, and only 10 hours were VMC. The rest was really crappy weather, heavy rain and clouds that were rather dark inside :-? and he did not complain at all.

He is however rather disappointed on not having the VNAV and a proper V/S control. The vertical speed rate in the current system is sort of OK in smooth air, but useless in anything else. It is just far better to turn off the ALT function and retrim/hand fly to the desired ALT.

I am seriously looking at and have been for a while now having eyeball to eyeball discussions with Dynon. I am one of their biggest fans and we (Chris) helped launch the biggest customer base in Oz for them without them really knowing it, so you can guess at our level of comitment.

I also understand that we may have the ability to help.

Keep me posted folks!

DB :)


New Member
Nov 29, 2007
Thank you -- sounds like you have been having some fun in the clouds. I'm a ways out from finishing my project so hopefully the VS functionality will be tried and true by then.

Thanks for the feedback --


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
This mirrors the feedback we've gotten so far. We fly many airplanes really well, though there are some that report some of the issues discussed below. Once we have the first release of SkyView out the door, one of the things we'll be looking at is AP performance improvements. We already have a list of things we'll be changing/adding/etc, thanks to all of the excellent feedback we've gotten so far.

As far as raw capability is concerned, the AP can fly just about anything laterally. With an HS34 and a 430 in the loop, we can even obey GPS steering commands. On the pitch axis, we can hold altitude and change altitudes at a pre-set vertical speed. The firmware doesn't currently permit quickly adjusting the vertical speed that the AP makes its climbs and descents at.

Lest there be any confusion, the AP76 is still in purgatory (or more formally "on hold indefinitely"), and we've yet to revisit the decision on whether or not it will be resurrected as a product or not.

We will offer advanced autopilot functionality (this means vertical nav, more control of vertical speed/ias, etc, sequencing, and everything you'd expect of a higher-end AP), on the SkyView for sure, and on the current platform potentially - depending on whether or not the AP76 ever sees the light of day.

The current generation of products will certainly benefit from any enhancements that we come up with to improve performance of the AP (read that as to mean - probably won't include additional features), and there certainly will be some of those happening.


Jan 20, 2008
Alexandria, VA

I currently fly a Velocity 173 FG with a EFIS-D10A, EMS-D10, HS-34, AP-74, remote compass and both autopilot servos.  I also fly with the Garmin 496, and the GNS-430.

I have about 20 hours on the autopilot, and I am very happy with it.  I have only been using it for enroute - very solid.

The GNS-430 appears to be more "solid" than the 496.  Ironically, I have a desire to replace the 496 with the Garmin 696 (more capabilities).  I would be interested in the 696 feedback.  

I would also be happy to get on the AP-76 "support team." Tim


New Member
Nov 29, 2007
Thanks Tim,

I know you mentioned enroute mostly, just curious if you have flown any approaches from the 430 as the NAV source? How well does the AP perform here if so?


New Member
Nov 29, 2007
Also wondering what Dynon Support means by "GPA steering"? Does this mean the AP, although only laterally for now, will fly an entire 430W approach sequence less the vertical component?

Thanks again for all the feedback gentlemen --


Active Member
Jun 15, 2008
Brisbane, Qld. Australia
Yes, it will steer the arc's to smooth out the turns. In other words whatever the GNS430/530 outputs it will follow.

It really is quite sexy! And with the AP76...WHEN it happens it will be the best autopilot system available.


Jan 20, 2008
Alexandria, VA

I am going through IFR training now.  Yesterday was my first flight actually using the GN-430 for approaches and the Dynons. I do need to teak some of the settings. I was not getting an ILS indicator on the EFIS or HSI (I do have the Garmin ILS, and it worked well).

My instructor was very happy with the performance of the autopilot, and so was I  -:) I just need to go back and hit the books on the settings.

On the flight back (enroute) I switched the NAV input to GPS two, my Garmin 496. It very nicely displayed the Vertical Guidance indicator (VNAV profile).

As David said, the GNS-430 provides the output to the autopilot and the Dynon flies it well (to include the missed approach points).  



New Member
Nov 29, 2007
Thanks Tim,

I finished my IFR training a few months back in a Cessna 172 from the local flight school here in Nashville (JWN). We had no AP, but did have a Garmin530W. It was a blast, but I'm sure it is even more enriching to be doing everything with an AP, and then with the instrumentation you will have in your project. Are you training in your Velocity? Hope so.

Quick question: on the GPS two feed: when you say "VNAV profile", does the AP then pickup that particular rate of dissent and follow that to a predetermined ALT? The website here says the AP74 will allow you to preselect an ALT, and the AP will get you there at "x" vertical speed rate, then stop and hold you at that ALT. Is that a fair description of how your GPS2, or 496 in this case worked with the AP?

Enjoy your training and thanks for the feedback --

Radial Rocket 2010?, 2011?, 2012?, ...


Jan 20, 2008
Alexandria, VA

I am training in my Velocity, it is a great stable platform!!

I have had the Dynons for a while.  Now that I am going through IFR training, I am now paying more attention to the capabilities of the system.  

I have not played with the vertical aspects of the AP - I was flying the altitude by hand.

Now I understand why the BRG SRC is such a great feature (always nice to know where the airport is in relation to ATC Vectors).  Now I just need to get it to work!!

I just discovered (home sick today) that my output settings from my GNS-430 maybe incorrect.  I actually had my local avionics shop call Dynon for the output settings, update 430 software, and certify.  I just checked the Wiki and GNS-430 configuration paper and discovered they are not the same.  I am hoping this will solve the ILS problem (not displayed on EFIS, or HSI).

For shooting an IFR approach - appears the GNS-430 and Dynon HSI are a great match.  Once the approach is loaded in the 430, you can watch your progress graphically, and compare to all the data on the HSI (Glideslope and distance to the next fix).  I am looking at trading my Garmin 496 in for a Garmin 696 and placing on the panel.  I can then display the Approach Plates.

I will play with the altitude features and see how well it works.  Tim


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Quick question: on the GPS two feed: when you say "VNAV profile", does the AP then pickup that particular rate of dissent and follow that to a predetermined ALT?  The website here says the AP74 will allow you to preselect an ALT, and the AP will get you there at "x" vertical speed rate, then stop and hold you at that ALT.  Is that a fair description of how your GPS2, or 496 in this case worked with the AP?

We don't follow any vertical commands from any external radios at this point. While we will fly the full horizontal path as defined by the GPS, you will need to command the altitude manually or hand fly it.