Garmin 480/CNX 80 Auto switching on approach


Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
There are a few of us who use the Garmin 480/CNX 80 certified IFR WAAS navigator in our Skyview systems. There was a  question as to whether the Skyview would honor the navigators ability to switch between GPS and VOR/ILS guidance. The way this works is the unit uses WAAS GPS for all navigation until it reaches a point on approach where a switch to the navigation source for the approach being flown (VOR, LOC, ILS, LDA etc) is made in order to comply with the approach procedure. In the unit, this switch is made automatically with the NAV page needles changing color from magenta to green along with a message announcing the guidance source change. It uses the appropriate source until the missed approach point where it automatically switches back to GPS guidance, flies the missed as an overlay allowing the navigation to show all turns (including those based on leg to altitiude) correctly.

The question was raised here as to whether the Skyview would receive and follow along with the change. I finally made the time yesterday to flight test this capability and can report it works flawlessly. The Skyview HSI needle indication changes color and labeling along with the 480.

For Dynon Tech Support this raises a question. With the addition of Go Around mode in system software version 14, will users have the ability to modify the default flight director settings? I know vertical can be selected between vertical speed and IAS. Might we be able to leave the horizontal navigation selected to the GNS 480 as opposed to tracking inbound course extension which is the Ver 14 default lateral navigation upon selection of Go Around? If so, those of us with the 480 would have correct vertical and horizontal navigation guidance through the flight director for ATC clearance compliance. The Garmin 430/530 WAAS do not have this capability. The newer touchscreen versions may (since they also incorporate flight plan construction by named route/airway, Q and T routes etc) perform the same autoswitching of guidance. If so, this may be of interest to that large group of users as well.


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
To be clear, what you'd want is for the lateral mode to NOT change away from the 480 when you go into go-around mode, correct? Then the 480 presumably switches from NAV back to GPS when you go missed, and go-around mode would then just affect a change to either IAS or VS mode (setting-dependent). As of v14, the answer is no, but it's something that we'd consider (no promises). A workaround with version 14's current implementation could be immediately reselect NAV mode after activating the go-around mode.


I love flying!
Mar 1, 2015
I would like this feature as well.  Keeping the lateral autopilot guidance in NAV made upon activation of Go-Around would be useful.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
Dynon you are correct. The 480 also auto switches back to GPS nav during the missed approach. I had figured immediate selection of NAV for roll mode as a work around but it would be great to simply have the Skyview not change lateral modes. I appreciate that one can choose between IAS and VS for the vertical during setup. Please consider this for a future update.


Oct 27, 2008
What would be really neat on top of the excellent proposal for going back to NAV mode on a missed approach is to take into account the information presented on the GNS480 P7 connector pin 5. This is the internal SL30 serial port output. This one gives extra infos on top of the ARINC-429 ILS/VOR like the VOR/LOC ID and the bearing to the standby.