Garmin 496 Settings


Jan 20, 2008
Alexandria, VA
I went to the airpot today to work on settings for the Skyview.

I could not get my GNS-430 to work.  I am using the Approach Stack System and need to determine what serial port it is using (more to follow I am sure).

I did hook up my Garmin 496 and could tell that it was connected to the correct serial port (via Approach Stack) because the Tx and Rx fields were passing data.  I now understand, after reading the post(s) that I must attach to a common ground, and the rate must be normal.

I will try this and report back.  I know how frustrating how all these separate output settings can be.  Once I get them working, I will update the Wiki.  

If I am wrong, please let me know.  Thanks all.  Tim


Jan 20, 2008
Alexandria, VA
I just retuned for the airport - no luck withe Garmin 496  :(

I was able to tell it was hooked up to serial port one, there was an exchange of data Tx and Rx.  (Is this a valid assumption?).  All other serial ports - off

SV Settings:
Serial 1 In device:     Garmin 495/496
Serial 1 In Function:   GPS 1

Serial 1 In/Out Baud Rate:  4800  (also switched to 9600)
Serial 1 Out device:  Icaurus (10 ft)
TX Counter: 143XXX
RX Counter: 3967XX

Garmin 496:
Powered by aircraft (Grounded)
Settings: Advanced NMEA Settings:  Normal

I tried several Aviation in/NMEA/VHF out 9600 (I also changed the baud rate on the SV settings).

I tried the "TIS in/NMEA &VHF out" and "Aviation in/NMEA & VHF out" again, I made sure the SV baud rate also was the same.

 I also did the same thing with the GNS-430 - no joy.

The key - data packs are being transferred on Tx/Rx.  

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks  Tim


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
Don't know why these would be any different than connecting via serial to a legacy EFIS. From the Wiki, settings for 496:

496 Output: (Blue Wire!) NMEA or NMEA & VHF Out. Advanced:Normal
Dynon Input: NMEA:9600

Confirm your ground is common, and that you aren't using the wire on the 496 marked, "Serial #2." It doesn't work. Also, there is nothing the Dynon sends over Serial that the 496 can use - don't bother connecting the yellow wire. However, to have the 430 output it's flight plan to the 496 you should connect the yellow wire to a 430 Serial output, and match the settings according to Garmin's recommendations.

Never used serial with a 430, but suspect that it ought to work the same as it does for the Legacy Dynon's too.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Two things to check:

The 496 cannot be in sim mode. It outputs data in that mode but it isn't valid GPS data. The counter ticks on every serial byte even if invalid or even the wrong speed.

Did you turn off the function of "GPS1" on EVERY serial port except the one you want? The system will only work the way you expect if only a single port has the function of GPS1 (even if other stuff is set as none)

My guess is your serial 5 is still "GPS1" since we ship it that way since the GPS puck we sell wires in there.


Jan 20, 2008
Alexandria, VA
The 496 was not in sim mode, I had a waypoint plugged in.

I had serial 5 turned off as well.  I did not change GPS1 on port number 5 after turning it off.  I hope it is a simple as that   :)

I am assuming it is the same issue for my GNS-430 settings!!  Thanks  Tim


Jan 20, 2008
Alexandria, VA

Just got back from the frigid airport.  Good news:  after turning all the serial ports, and GPS to none....except the serial port I was using......the MAP function came to life!!

Bad news:  I have no idea where the map location indicated.  Yup,  I am aware of the need to change the Advanced NMEA feature to normal speed -- did that.

This also occurred when I changed the settings to test the GNS-430 output (I made sure the other serial/GPS modes were none as well). The MAP location was the same (I have no idea if it was S. Calif as others have reported).

Any other suggestions?  Thanks  Tim
