I've been getting a very reliable supply of MoGas for my Rotax from the local Mobil station... until last week.
I last tested the gas 3 months ago (< 1% ethanol) but as I was worried they may have changed the formula, I tested my latest load of Super Unleaded. Results:
This is especially problematic as I have a fiberglass gas tank (ethanol de-polymerizes the resins and turns it to goo).
With all the miss-informed Greenies insisting on "renewable" fuels. I doubt that there is a reliable source of no-ethanol super unleaded anywhere in the country.
Running 100LL creates its own problems in Rotax engines (buildup of lead in the oil) but I've now switched over to it as I don't trust MoGas these days.
There's no way I'd ever put MoGas in an engine designed for AvGas as there's no way to know what you're actually putting in your tank.
IMHO, It's not worth the risk to save a few bucks per tank.