So just to make sure everyone's on the same page: There's a difference between being able to use the same "antenna" and being able to use an external device as a position source for SkyView.
Behind the scenes, the things that we call the "antenna" is actually a full-fledged GPS receiver/antenna combo, that talks serially to SkyView. It's basically a self-contained GPS chip+antenna without a display.
The GTN/430/etc, in contrast, uses "just" an antenna outside the aircraft, which then has its signal processed internally in the unit.
So under no circumstance will splitting wires from the thing that looks like an antenna connect to both devices, nevermind the cert implications. One has RF going through its wire, the other data.
BUT, the GTN/430/etc does have serial/ARINC outputs that allow it to be used as a position and nav source, just like the SV-GPS-250, on SkyView, which is what johnS is referring to.
We always recommend using the SV-GPS-250 as the primary position source, whether or not you have an external GPS unit, because it can provide SkyView with 5 Hz data, which practically no other GPS device makes available external to themselves.