GPS Pos Fix? shown on the top of the D180


New Member
Feb 22, 2008
Just a quick question, that I'm sure one of you Guru's knows the answer to immediately! The GPS Position Fix? shown on the top of the D180, with it's G1 / G2 Settings + NAV etc..

Will it still be shown while the EDC-10A is dis-connected? As I have the panel on the Bench doing some work on it, and wish to test it out roughly before re-fitting it back in the Aircraft.

I have a base GPS Signal Source for the Avmap GPS & its Data line output into the D180, but despite it having exactly the same settings that it normally worked with - while in the Aircraft, it refuses to show any Lat or Long Info in this data display?

I have double checked the Serial Setup on the HS34, and it is fine. As well as the Nmea Output from the Avmap being set to Processed and 4800 + 9600 also tried without success. The Nmea messages are all set up as per Dynon Instructions to no positive benefit

Is it just a simple case of it requiring a data stream from the Remote Compass, or do I have another *&%$#@* problem here?




Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
I'm not sure if you're looking at the EDC NOT DETECTED message, and not the GPS fix information?

But regardless, if you have the HS34, you have to use its serial ports, not the D180s, to receive data from external GPS devices. Any chance that's it?


New Member
Feb 22, 2008
Hi Dynon Support,
Yes, as you know, the Serial Ports on the D180 are locked out by software when you have the HS34 connected. It is the Pink GPS Info on the HSI Screen, that I am wondering if the Remote Compass has to be plugged in for the GPS Lat n Longs to be displayed correctly? As at present no matter what I do - it only shows "Waiting for GPS Fix" or similar..
If I knew for sure that this Display will defiantly not show GPS Data if the remote compass is dis-connected, then I will be ok, and will wait till I re-install the Panel back in the aircraft before worrying about this at present missing item..


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Ah... I'm with you now.

I'm 90% sure about this, but don't have a unit in your configuration handy at the moment to double-check: If there's no EDC connected, you won't get the HSI, BUT, if there's an actual GPS lock, you also shouldn't get the "waiting for gps fix" message. So that sounds like the unit doesn't think it's seeing the GPS stream.


New Member
Feb 22, 2008
Ah! Well, I have, and at long last, fitted the latest Trig Transponder with GPS positioning data output (Sudden memory fade - forgot its usual name!) - so I guess I will see tomorrow when I fire it all up outside the hanger to see if all is well - as it should be, well I hope at least!

I will let you know the results when I return from my trip tomorrow evening, around 7PM Sydney EST. As I wrote previously, it had been working fine, but then it stopped for reasons unknown. And despite having the exact same settings, it (The GPS data) has failed to make a re-appearance?

Would splitting the GPS Data Output into two receivers at once. have any detrimental effect upon the GPS data output circuit perhaps going open circuit? As I placed a Cro onto the Output lead on the Avmap unit and did not see a nice data waveform at all, more like a noisy mish mash of a signal that might be the cause of my problems?

Prior to doing this I had consulted many sources on the Internet who advise that they have had up to 6 different receivers connected to the one NMEA Output from a signal GPS unit, with great results and no problems..

Is this also what you have found? As that is the only thing that I think that it can be, as all was fine and it was only after connecting in this Transponder that I then had no GPS Output Data..showing on my D180.. Disconnecting it and only having the one source into the D180 Unit made no difference - though. But perhaps it had failed and it was already to late by then?
Cheers.. Grey


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Generally yes, you can split RS-232 outputs to multiple devices. Some transmitters are better than this than others, though, but you can usually get at least two. If on of the line that should be going to an Rx are actually going to something else, it could be messing up the ability for the GPS to TX to anything at all.


New Member
Feb 22, 2008
Well, that is good news at least.. I have mine going to 2 x Devices, the D180 as it was always set up, the Trig Transponder. Unfortunately after I connected her all up in the Aircraft yesterday, I could not get her going no matter what settings I adjusted. I know that first time I installed it years ago, I had the same problem. But after contacting you guys and adjusting the GPS Unit Output to Nmea as well as ticking the right messages that Dynon recommended, she started up immediately and has gone well for years until I bought this Trig transponder unit. Oh.. and I have tried it by going back to just having only the D18o wired in and nothing else to GPS Units Tx Output Line.. It has me stuffed that is for sure? I will try and find something that requires a Nmea Source and plug that into this GPS to see if it is outputting correctly or not.. that will be a good start.. What are your thoughts?


New Member
Feb 22, 2008
Hi Jake,
My Apologies, I have only just seen your Post asking for my PM.. Well, you will have to excuse me, as I am not that literate on this internet Forum business - or any of it for that matter. Can you enlighten me as to its meaning.. I am sure that it will be something that will make me look like a complete Git' for not knowing it straight off, so I guess that I will just have to bear it.. :-[


Murray M.
Dec 26, 2009
Saskatoon SK CAN
PM - Personal Message. Click on the User Panel at the top of the page. It's a safe way to email someone without having to expose your email address on the forum. Spammers are notorious for collecting email addresses from forums and news groups.