You can send altitude encoder data out from a SkyView to a transponder. This is what most people want.
If you are actually trying to send GPS data (is this for an ADS-B link?), then we do not output it from SkyView at this point. Since SkyView doesn't do flight planning yet, there is no additional data for it to output. You can split the GPS input to the SkyView that comes from our puck or whatever GPS you are using and run it to SkyView and the transponder. This will have position in it, and will work even if SkyView is offline, so it's probably more of what you want.
There is also an unknown about GPS data "quality"- I believe that the FAA only uses GPS data that comes from certified GPS units when reporting traffic in the Mode-S/ADS-B world. There's an encrypted bit that only certified GPS units know how to send. Not an expert in this area though.