GPS296 to D10A


New Member
Jul 18, 2008
I have hard-wired my 296 to the bus and grounded it to the common ground block and have connected the blue wire from the 296 harness (Data 1 out) to Pin 3 of the 9-pin connector, but can't get the Dynon to see the GPS. I believe the wiring of the connectors is correct as I can update the Dynon just fine. Do I need a serial ground wire on the GPS end of the 9-pin connector? If so, to what do I connect it?
The GPS is set to NMEA in and out, NORMAL in the "Advanced" menu, and all sentences are set to transmit.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
From everything you've described, it sounds like it's connected correctly. If you can update the unit, then it can definitely receive serial, and so I'd probably start by tracing continuity from the end of the garmin plug to the Dynon 25 pin connector.

Also, make sure that your Dynon serial port settings are set to either Auto or NMEA.


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
Also, make sure you were not in simulator mode on the 296 and make sure you have a good satelite lock.


New Member
Jul 18, 2008
Two questions.
1. Do I need a satellite lock for the GPS to show up on the d10A HSI setup screen? I don't so much care at this stage if it shows me a track or anything. I just need it to show up as one of the 9 GPS options on the screen.
2. I only have the one wire coming out of the DB9 connector, at pin 3, the one the blue Port 1 Out wire from the 296 is connected to. Do I need a serial ground wire (pin 5)? If so, do I connect the other end to the firewall ground?

I checked continuity last night from the plug on the GPS end of the Garmin cord to the pin in the DB9 male connector, even replaced the wires and redid all of the connections, double-checked the settings on both the 296 and the Dynon. Still no joy (literally). Like I had said in my initial post, the Dynon updates fine, so I think everything is OK from the female DB9 up to the unit.
I feel like such a moron not being able to get this to work. :-/


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
If you have the power ground lead comming out of that cable from the GPS connected to the same ground as the D10A, you do not need an additional ground.

You do need a satellite lock on the GPS to start seeing data on the HSI.

As long as you have the Dynon on Auto, it should work once you have a fix.  In simulator mode it will not work.

Here is what I have on my 296 for COM1:  "NMEA IN - NMEA & VHF OUT" Baud Rate "9600" and Advanced set to "Normal"

Serial port settings on the Dynon: "NMEA" and baud rate "9600"

If you have a Sat lock, this should work....if you have the blue wire hooked to pin 3 on the Dynon and you have the ground for the power cable connected to the same ground as the D10A.


New Member
Jul 18, 2008
Thanks. I'll wait for a dry day (in western Washington it may be in July) and drag the plane out of the hangar to get a satellite lock.
Thanks for the help.