HDG Increase on Take Off


New Member
Mar 23, 2005
I got now 3 D10A in my panel, all linked through the DSAB, each one having it's EDC and sharing one common OAT probe. One is used as EFIS, one as HSI and one as MFD, mostly showing the fuel page of the EMS.

On Take Off and initial climb I do now suffer on the two most recent units an increase in the HDG of approx. 20°, altpugh all three showed the correct RWY HDG on centerline.  Not so on the unit I do have already for a little longer than a year. This one stays stable. After climbing out for maybe 10 minutes and doing the first turns, all HDG's will then match again. Can you give me a hint, what's the problem here? Thanks for your kind support and

Best regards

Thomas ;)


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
These sort of discrepancies are sometimes hard to diagnose, but a few things to look into:

Are the EDC-D10A remote compasses in locations that may be experiencing different magnetic fields from one another?

Was the inclination properly inputted before you did your calibration (should be a number between 50-70 degrees in the US)?

Have you tried redoing your calibration with our most recent firmware? (we tweak the algorithms from time to time)

Is the EDC-D10A tilted fore/aft the same amount as the EFIS in your panel?


New Member
Mar 23, 2005
:p ........I forgot about the inclination, Sorry guys! Many thanks for the advise, I will do it tomorrow and then let you know. But I am pretty sure, as the older unit has it done, the one that works properly. So I guess 99% it must be this.

Thanks a lot and kind regards

Thomas ;)