Heading Band gives false indications and wrong cal


I love flying!
Nov 17, 2015
Hi there,

a friend of mine just bought a dynamic wt9 equipped with EFIS D100 and EMS D120 and flew it from Portugal to Italy.
The problem is quite similar to what other users have already experienced, the heading band gives false indications (almost 150° error). I tried the compass calibration procedure described in the installation manual using the magnetic inclination (there's no intensity option in the menu) and making the "on ground only" calibration but with no avail.
The attitude indicator returns an erroneous indication too, expecially on ground (15° pitch up tendency).

I'd like also to know if there's an authorized Dynon facility in Italy.

I'll be waiting for any available feedback.



Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
If you're not seeing both MAGINC (inclination) and MAGINT (intensity) options, you might be on rather old software. That's not likely if the airplane is new though. What version does the D100 report under SETUP > VRSION?

If the intensity and inclination aren't properly set, you'd expect calibration results that might not be great, but 150 degrees off is quite a lot. That might indicate that the magnetometer is installed in a location that isn't ideal, or that the inclination is set very wrong. Where are you in the world (city)? We can help ensure that you have the right values to put into your D100.

We did improve calibration in our latest software, which was released in August, but this mainly improves calibration results for aircraft that aren't level when calibrated (ie, taildraggers). But, nonetheless, updating your software to the latest version - available here may improve calibration results.

Now, the fact that your attitude indicator is wrong when on the ground might give us a hint. Is it ALWAYS wrong? If so, make sure that SETUP > PITADJ is set so that the attitude is level when the aircraft is level. For a tricycle gear aircraft that has the instrument installed roughly perpendicular to the ground, this setting should be near zero.

In Italy, Simone at http://www.northairaviation.com/ is a Dynon dealer and knows our products well. Note that our dealers aren't obligated to provide after-sales support for customers that didn't purchase through them. If you use him, he may charge you for help with your installation/configuration issues.


I love flying!
Nov 17, 2015
Thanks for replying so quickly.

I'll post the firmware version as soon as I get the chance, by the way it's not the latest release for sure.

I do live in Palermo, Sicily, Italy. I took the inclination and intensity value on the NOAA website using the lookup feature which returned these values:

inclination 53° 42' 12"
total field value 45,103.1 nT

I suppose they're good.

Yes, the attitude indication is always wrong, it improves a bit when in flight though.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Those values translate to:
MAGINC = 53.5
MAGINT = 45100

Enter those values, then do the magnetic calibration procedure. They won't retroactively correct a calibration - those values have to be entered prior to the calibration so the calibration procedure can make use of them.

Thanks for replying so quickly.

I'll post the firmware version as soon as I get the chance, by the way it's not the latest release for sure.

I do live in Palermo, Sicily, Italy. I took the inclination and intensity value on the NOAA website using the lookup feature which returned these values:

inclination 53° 42' 12"
total field value 45,103.1 nT

I suppose they're good.

Yes, the attitude indication is always wrong, it improves a bit when in flight though.


I love flying!
Nov 17, 2015
Yes, I did that already except the intensity value which is not present as I mentioned in my first post.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
If the intensity value isn't present, suggest you update the firmware on your EFIS-D100 and EMS-D120.

Yes, I did that already except the intensity value which is not present as I mentioned in my first post.