Level mode does not track a heading - it simply keeps the wings level and a constant altitude. If the airplane is turning slightly with the wings level, that indicates that the rudder trim is not exactly dead-on, which is not unusual. If your heading is only creeping a couple of degrees per minute, your airplane is in pretty good trim.I have dual Skyview HDX's plus AP Panel & Knob Panel. When I fly with in "Level" mode I am experiencing a heading creep to the right
of about 1 or 2 degrees every couple minutes. Any suggestions on how to fix? Thanks
Daaa, that makes sense!! Thanks for the helpLevel mode does not track a heading - it simply keeps the wings level and a constant altitude. If the airplane is turning slightly with the wings level, that indicates that the rudder trim is not exactly dead-on, which is not unusual. If your heading is only creeping a couple of degrees per minute, your airplane is in pretty good trim.
This is covered in the FIRST PAGE of the Autopilot section of the Users Guide.
Thanks, mixed it up with a single axis ALT HOLD mode.See page 8-1 in the HDX User Guide Revision G.