High Volts and High Amps


Jun 15, 2012
The last few flights, my D120 has been showing voltage of anywhere from 14.5 to 15.5.  My amp meter has been reading 60 amps during idle, and oscillates from 0 to 25 amps during flight ( I should show about 5-6 amps during flight).  I have a microair transponder that also shows the same voltage as the Dynon.  I have checked all crimps and connections and grounds.  I have put on a new voltage regulator, new alternator, new battery, new alternator/master toggle switches, and still I have high volts and amps. Any suggestions or ideas what could be going on?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The following is no substitute for consulting an A&P or Avionics tech.

What voltage is the alternator adjusted for? Alternators can put out more voltage than 12V. Where in the electrical system is the D120's power (and the Microair transponder) connected?

Can you correlate the change in voltage to one piece of electrical equipment coming on or off? You've seen how a starter motor can lower the available voltage - the same is true for lesser loads - strobes, trim servo motors, etc. can easily cause a variance in the electrical system of +/- 1V.

We specify a fuse or fusible link in each leg of the AMPS Shunt. If one fuse is blown, all kinds of weird readings are possible, so check the fuses there.

We've also heard from some customers with similar problems that a marginal circuit breaker can cause differing voltages and other odd electrical symptoms.

The last few flights, my D120 has been showing voltage of anywhere from 14.5 to 15.5.  My amp meter has been reading 60 amps during idle, and oscillates from 0 to 25 amps during flight ( I should show about 5-6 amps during flight).  I have a microair transponder that also shows the same voltage as the Dynon.  I have checked all crimps and connections and grounds.  I have put on a new voltage regulator, new alternator, new battery, new alternator/master toggle switches, and still I have high volts and amps. Any suggestions or ideas what could be going on?


Jun 15, 2012
I appreciate the reply. I went back out to the plane yesterday and found a loose connection at my buss bar causing these volt and amp fluctuations. I had checked all my wiring twice over, but somehow this connection slipped past me. thanks