Horizon line missing


New Member
Jan 1, 2010
I turned on my D100 today and there is no horizon line showing and the pitch and roll indicators are indicating a turn to the right. The last thing I did the other day is calibrate the compass which brings me to another question. If you are not in the US how are you supposed to get that 5 digit "total intensity" number to calibrate the compass properly?

PS I Have not flown the aircraft as yet.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The website that lets you lookup those values can accept lat/long coordinates or country/city for many metropolitian locales. Give us a call if you need help getting those numbers.

It sounds like your EFIS might be showing a very erroneous attitude, either very pitch up or down. If there was some pressure on the pitot port on the ground, that's normal. If not, we may need to take a look at your unit.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Also make sure you have not adjusted the pitch adjust to a very high angle.


New Member
Jan 1, 2010
After doing some taxi tests today I found that the horizon is there in the bottom left hand corner and it appears when I turn left sharply then disappears which seems to indicate that it thinks I am in a steep climbing turn to the right. Also when stationary the compass heading just wizzes around back and forward constantly. Very frustrating. Any ideas to the problem? I did check the pitch adjustment and that was OK. I am in Australia so will not be happy if I have to send the unit to the US. It was working perfectly until I did the compass calibration and was working after that then next day when turned the unit on the problem appeared. I believe it has something to do with the calibration seeing that the heading is behaving erratically.


New Member
Jan 1, 2010
When I first did the cal I didn't have the figures but as mentioned it seemed to calibrate OK and matched the magnetic compass headings. The next time I calibrated it with the figures I did it with the horizon line missing so I think it was a waste of time. I tried calibrating it twice but the heading was just wizzing around.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The compass math has nothing to do with the attitude math. You don't even need a compass plugged in to have accurate attitude. So unfortunately, there is no way for a compass cal to affect your attitude at all.

It does sound like your unit needs to come back to Dynon to be repaired. There is a really, really small chance it's a software calibration issue that is unrelated to the compass, so if you want you can take a full backup of the unit with the support program and send it to us so we can verify that everything still matches what we originally shipped.


New Member
Jan 1, 2010
Are you sure that it has to be returned as I am in Australia and have just got the plane flying. Should I try and upload the current software again? Any other ideas you can suggest before i have to send it back?


New Member
Dec 7, 2009
Personal Message. Click on "jakej" at top left of his post then click on "Send personal message to jakej".
Where in Oz are you?



New Member
Jan 1, 2010
When I turned on the unit today it was brown instead of blue ie only the ground was showing not the sky so I uploaded the 5.3 firmware again but it made no difference. I backed it up before and after the upload and will email it to you at support@dynonavionics.com. Can you please look at the data and see if you can figure out what the problem is and email me something I can upload to fix it if possible.

BTW when I was working on something else with the Dynon on suddenly the blue sky came slowly out of the right hand side at 90 degrees and slid slowly across the screen and disappeared to the left now leaving the screen blue. I turned it on and off and it was brown again. Something is desperately wrong with this unit.

My email's subject is "D100 problem"