How do I contact the Forum moderator(s)


Nov 24, 2024
Oh well! I would rather direct my concerns to a administrator/moderator in private communication.

I am new to this Forum having just the one post/question.

One of the respondents; chriscalandro - At no time did he actually address my specific enquiry, preferring "shotgun" statements. Light on fact, dogmatic (to the point of rudeness) in delivery, not once addressing my specific enquiry. In short an unreliable source of information. Does this make him an internet "Troll"?

I advise all Forum members to avoid responding to him and double check any information delivered by this person - your safety may depend on it.

He brings this Forum into disrepute.


Nov 24, 2024
Thank you for your advice RV8JD,
Naturally I disagree with you.
If I got a tad frustrated - under the circumstances understandable
I was never even close to being rude, made no assumptions about his capacity to understand, etc however will leave that to others to decide.
As for an informed targeted answer to my question - you must be kidding but again I leave this to others.
Yes , in future I will go straight to my Dynon agent. Due to the poor reception/response I received from the aforementioned, I have already done this and received good advice (may be a dud cube)- nothing remotely like your friends, so much for his technical understanding.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2008
Gods Country - west Texas
Yeah, no. I just went back and re-read the entire thread - Chris gave you accurate information, you argued with him, that's not Chris's problem.

I'm smelling a troll here, all right - but not the one that's being accused of it.


Active Member
Jul 24, 2020
Yeah, no. I just went back and re-read the entire thread - Chris gave you accurate information, you argued with him, that's not Chris's problem.

I'm smelling a troll here, all right - but not the one that's being accused of it.
This reminds me of the time I emailed SpaceX to see how fast rocket fuel in the gas tank in my van would improve performance.

They kept responding about chemistry and compatibility but never said how much faster my van would be…

I should file a complaint.


Nov 24, 2024
My last attempt at reason;
I asked a simple question - which can be distilled down to - would adjusting A, require a further adjustment to B. B having been already adjusted to my satisfaction.
At no point did Chriscalandro address this. Instead he attempted to demonstrate his superior knowledge, by making "shotgun" style statement which he repeated several times, as I tried (unsuccessfully) to get him to narrow his response.
His tone from the outset was one of superiority, this only increased with personal assumptions/attacks on my intelligence.
In my view he is a bully, incapable of seeing how his communication needed to be modified to address my question.
Further I suspect this inability to rephrase/be flexibility is a defensive strategy, to hid his own own ignorance of the topic.
Nuf said!!


Active Member
Jul 24, 2020
My last attempt at reason;
I asked a simple question - which can be distilled down to - would adjusting A, require a further adjustment to B. B having been already adjusted to my satisfaction.
At no point did Chriscalandro address this. Instead he attempted to demonstrate his superior knowledge, by making "shotgun" style statement which he repeated several times, as I tried (unsuccessfully) to get him to narrow his response.
His tone from the outset was one of superiority, this only increased with personal assumptions/attacks on my intelligence.
In my view he is a bully, incapable of seeing how his communication needed to be modified to address my question.
Further I suspect this inability to rephrase/be flexibility is a defensive strategy, to hid his own own ignorance of the topic.
Nuf said!!
I studied the manual for the red cubes and the Dynon EMS and memorized every word

I researched all sorts of alternative methods and practices, utilizing AI and modern computational techniques to develop all possible scenarios and conclusions

Performed numerous mathematical calculations utilizing advanced algorithms

And I have come up with the answer -

…. If you want accurate fuel flow and totalizer information both red cubes need to be calibrated properly.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2008
Gods Country - west Texas
My last attempt at reason;
I asked a simple question - which can be distilled down to - would adjusting A, require a further adjustment to B. B having been already adjusted to my satisfaction.
At no point did Chriscalandro address this. Instead he attempted to demonstrate his superior knowledge, by making "shotgun" style statement which he repeated several times, as I tried (unsuccessfully) to get him to narrow his response.
His tone from the outset was one of superiority, this only increased with personal assumptions/attacks on my intelligence.
In my view he is a bully, incapable of seeing how his communication needed to be modified to address my question.
Further I suspect this inability to rephrase/be flexibility is a defensive strategy, to hid his own own ignorance of the topic.
Nuf said!!
Chris does not work for Dynon, nor for Electronics International. He is not required to provide you with ANY particular information, despite having already delivered the accurate answer which you refuse to accept. I suggest you contact a professional who will take your money while listening to you whine about it. We are tired of doing so for free.


Nov 24, 2024
As this part of the Forum is for "Non Produce Related" discussion I will make a limited response;

I will not engage directly with Chriscalandro - he continues with his "shotgun declarations - does repetition change the outcome?

Airguy - If you can quote for me where Chriscalandro actually answered my precise question, not some general blast that may have contained within a kernel of response, I will be only too happy to apologise.

I note, that there is at least one other Member who supports my contention, that Chriscalandro did/has not address my question- my thanks. I no longer feel I am unwelcome in this Forum.

Airguy; I find the tone of your comments above extraordinary;

"He is not required to provide you with ANY particular information," -
  • True ! being a member of a Forum, where it's usually expected, that members will assist each other, where they have the knowledge /skills to do so, is kind of the reason why most of us join. Do you have some other motive?
  • Further, In my naivety, I expect that respondents will, write with courtesy, tell the truth as they know it and be upfront when their response is speculation.
  • "Big Noting" - meaning vomiting forth, with a tangential spray of information, only vaguely related to the question, is not what I expect from this Forum or its members & not what I experince in the other forums I enjoy.
"I suggest you contact a professional who will take your money while listening to you whine about it. " -

Couple of point here;
  • First -I have found my local Dynon agents to be very helpful, so far have not charged me for advice - this was a minor question that I thought, as a "newbie" I might bring to the Forum, test the waters so to speak - guess I was wrong.
  • Secondly - "......listening to you whine about it." Nice! - make you feel good putting down someone you don't know, probably never will - what a hero!