How to copy flight plan


Jul 2, 2007
Camarillo, CA
I have GTN-650 and Skyview classic system with its own GPS. How do I copy the GTN-650 flight plan to the Skyview flight plan in the Skyview? I tried to search for the answer, but no luck.

I ask because I had an electrical transient that triggered the GTN to restart and the flight plan was lost. The Skyview screens stayed up. Not a big deal on that flight, but if I would have had a complex IFR flight plan it could have been a challenge. It would be nice to be able to switch to the Skyview flight plan while rebuilding the flight plan in the GTN.



Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
The GTN 650 flight plan flows to the Skyview over the serial/ARINC connections. I do not believe they remain. When your 650 went down the Dynon would have still shown the flight plan but when it came back up (no flight plan after reboot) the Dynon flight plan tab for the 650 would be similarly blank. I put in a request to be able to copy the flight plan from the IFR navigator flight plan tab to the Skyview flight plan tab as both are shown as tabs on the flight plan page for exactly this reason. Since both are shown in the Skyview it would be simple to copy from the GTN tab to the Skyview tab. No change of data would be made to the certified navigator. It is my understanding Garmin does not allow flight plans to flow into their navigators except through their deivces/software. I suggest you also submit a request to Dynon Support for this feature. The more folks asking increases the chances of making it happen.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2011
Eastern Iowa
If you save a copy of the flight plan on the GTN, are you not able to retrieve it after the restart?
This does not answer your question about copying it to the SV, but may be a way to quickly retrieve the original flight plan if it is saved in the GTN catalog.


I love flying!
Jun 21, 2014
I am not that familiar with the GTN, but the IFD's can be configured as a remote device on the SkyView WiFi network. You can then retrieve a flight plan from your navigator into Foreflight, then push it to SkyView. This process is not perfected yet as Foreflight has some difficulty when more than 1 compatible devices are connected on same WiFi network. It has no way to select which device to SEND a flight plan. So, most times it will send to my Skyview, and some times it picks the IFD. I have contacted Foreflight about this and they indicate they plan on supporting this. It has been about a year now without any improvement. Maybe if more people request this capability!

You can get the flight plan from your navigator using Foreflight , More, Device tab, click on the route. Do not use the panel button.
The problem is when you SEND a flight plan. The Devices tab has no send option. You only have the panel button. The panel button does not allow you to select which device. It usually picks Skyview but not always. It sometimes pick my IFD. Again, you have no way to select which device to push flight plan to. Sounds like a simple fix for Foreflight, but they have ignored it to date.

BTW, Seattle Avionics- FlyQ is even worse. It is completely confused when more than one compatible device exists on same network. It will constantly toggle between the IFD and SkyView as the position source.