HS34 and Collins VIR-351


New Member
Jan 14, 2009
Has anyone tried to connect the HS34 with a Collins VIR-351 Nav? From what I've read, this combo *should* work. THe collins has built-in VOR/LOC converter, and works with the same set of CDIs as the GNS400/500 series.

I'm hoping to use the D10A as an HSI with this NAV and the collins GLS-350 glideslope rx. I'd appreciate any experience others might have using the HS34 with analog interconnects.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Though we'd intended that the analog interface would provide broad compatibility with a lot of legacy radios, customer experience hasn't been great.

The analog output conforms to the ARINC analog standard, and we tested it with a a couple of the most popular radios - particularly the 430 and the SL30, Since the release of the product, we've learned that lots of NAV radios have interfaces that don't quite conform to that standard, and therefore don't work with the HS34. Unfortunately, there's no cost-effective way for us to solve these incompatibilities (different radios may need different hardware, etc), and the demand for the analog interface has been pretty low to begin with. So for customers that buy the HS34 and find it does not work with their radio, we'll absolutely refund your purchase price. If we had to do it all over again with everything we know now, we'd might well have left the analog interface out of the HS34.

Ironically, the SL30 and the 430, our two main testbeds, work fine through the analog interface. But, those radios have serial and ARINC429 connections respectively, so you don't actually end up using the analog at all.


New Member
Jan 14, 2009
Thanks DS, I had gathered that was the case from what I had read previously. I think I will still give it a try. If it doesn't work, well I can cross that bridge when it comes. Maybe I'll just spring for the SL30.

Are the compatibility problems with the resolver or the voltage levels or something else?



New Member
Jul 27, 2007

If you're not in a great hurry, MGL Avionics will have an SL-30 compatible radio out in the near future for much less money. They already have an SL-40 compatible Comm radio.

Another thought - if CDI outputs are compatible with a 430, then at a minimum you should be able to connect the Analog lines to the HS34. That's a lot of wires, but it is better than no compatibility at all and should be just fine for the HSI.