HS34 no longer on the DSAB


New Member
Nov 8, 2005
I have a D100, D10A, EMS120, SV52 and an HS34 in my Lancair ES. This system has been functioning perfectly for about 1000 hours. I recently flew through a highly charged cloud and experience massive electrostatic interference. Since then the system cannot find the HS34 on the DSAB all other devices are present on the bus. I RMA'd the unit and got it back with no fault found (I presume this as no feedback was given and I wasn't charged for the repair). Any ideas?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
You should probably give us a call at 425-402-0433 to keep working with tech support directly on this one. But a few random thoughts: Have you confirmed that the DSAB and power wires are still making it to the HS34? When you perform a DSAB configuration option, does the HS34's lights do anything at all? Does the HS34 light up when it's powered up but not connected to DSAB (it should)?