HS34 Problems


New Member
Feb 26, 2008
Gents & Support Gurus:

About half or so of the time I power everything up, my D180 gives me a BUS communication error and my Garmin 430 gives me a "no input on ARINC CH X" error. Of course, the HSI is blank and the HS34 knobs will not do anything because the 180 is not communicating with it, or the Garmin 430.

If a power down, and repower everything, that fixes the problem about 1/2 the time. The other half the time, if I just wait 5 minutes or so, the HS34 starts talking to the Garmin and the D180 and everything is fine.

Why do you suppose I am having this regular, intermittent problem?


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
When you're in this bad, what are the two gps/NAV lights on the front of the HS34 doing? Also, what do you see in the DSAB STATUS menu for the HS34?


New Member
Feb 26, 2008
I don't want to sound ignorant, but I have no choice. When this happens, the D180 gives me the "DSAB Network Configuration Error" and the Garmin 430W says "Not Receiving Input Data on 429 Channel 1."

What SHOULD I expect to see on the DSAB status menu? What do you want me looking for as far on the gps/nav lights on the HS34?

I ask these questions so I can pass them along to the other two owners. Thank you for your time and sorry to bother you with this issue.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We expect you to see both the NAV and GPS indicators lit, indicating that the HS34 is getting power, but not communicating with the FlightDEK-D180. If both indicators are not lit when this happens, likely the HS34 has lost power.

To check DSAB status:
Each device on DSAB will have its own screen, hit the down arrow until you see the HS34 listed. We expect you to see STATUS: OFFLINE

In the DSAB Status menu, if you have DSAB devices listed (such as servos) that are showing STATUS: ACTIVE, that would indicate that it's just the HS34 is having problems communicating on DSAB. But if you have just the FlightDEK-D180 and the HS34, it could be either one that isn't communicating on DSAB.

These issues are sometimes bad connections / wiring (especially if the HS34 indicators are not lit). If wiring appears to be OK, then the next step would be to contact our Tech Support to arrange for a repair - 425-402-0433 or support (at) dynonavionics (dot) com. Please mention that you posted this issue on the Forum.

What SHOULD I expect to see on the DSAB status menu?  What do you want me looking for as far on the gps/nav lights on the HS34?