HSI Data Problems


New Member
Aug 9, 2006
Just today I had an interesting failure that I hope to track down easily, but I am not sure if it is a wiring failure or something internal to a device.

I have a D-100, HS34, and Garmin 530.  Everything had been working fine for 800 flight hours, until today.   

Today, the HSI shows a groundspeed of 999 kts all the time.  Of course, this gives me a 99 kt wind vector too.

DTW starts out at 1044 or so but counts up and down.  The course pointer looks correct but the CDI is way off.   At the bottom, I get a boxed T on the left and 33.0nm on the right.  As the 530 sequences a waypoint, the HSI pointer does not change course.  The ground track triangle will be accurate, then jump to a bogus course, then back to accurate periodically.

With VOR selected, similar course pointer and CDI behavior occurs.

All data and graphics on the 530 are accurate.  It looks like OBS selection is passed to the 530 correctly.

The knobs on the HS34 seem to perform their correct functions (baro, heading,  and course select when in OBS or VOR).

Lastly, the flightplan gets passed to my Garmin 496 correctly.

Any suggestions?  Can a wiring problem cause this or is it likely a problem with the 530, HS34 or D-100?

Any help will be appreciated.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Given that you have some communications from the 530 to the EFIS-D100, it sounds like it could be one broken wire on the ARINC interface from the 530 TX to the HS34 RX.

If you check the wiring and it's all OK, call Tech Support at 425-402-0433 or support AT dynonavionics DOT com to arrange for a replacement HS34 to be sent to you. The replacement will have v5.5 installed on it - you might need to upgrade your EFIS-D100 to v5.5 to be able to talk to the replacement HS34.


New Member
Aug 9, 2006
Got an exchange (refurbished) HS34 in the mail the other day for $100 plus shipping (cross-shipped with the bad unit).  I had to configure the network again and do the servo cal, but everything works great!

My guess is the ARINC bus interface died. The autopilot functions were fine, heading and altitude select worked fine and so did baro. No nav from the 530. Didn't really check the SL30.