HSI Issues


New Member
Sep 3, 2007
I have an EFIS-D100, D10A and an HS-34. My nav com is an SL-30 and the GPS is a 496. I intend to have the HSI displayed on the D10A and the D100 will be the EFIS, which is also the DSAB master. I spend the afternoon testing all the connections and found a few problems.

* If I have the HSI on the D10A only, the NAV SRC button on the HS-34 works as expected, but the BRG SRC button does nothing. I have to bring up the HSI on the D100 for it to work.

* Even when the HSI is dispalyed on the D100, pressing BRG SRC works sporadically. It often just flashes the current bearing source but does not stay on long enough for me to select anything. This is most noticeable when I also have the HSI displayed on the D10A. Sometimes it works OK, sometime not.

* If I monitor the standby NAV on the SL-30, the pointer on the HSI is erroneously aligned with the active VOR pointer. If I power off the HS-34, it then points correctly.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The last issue is a known bug and will be fixed.

The first two we haven't seen before, but we're wondering if you still have the GPS serial coming into the D100 or D10A. If you do, that could cause issues. Now that you have the HS34, it should be the only place receiving the GPS serial output.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
UPDATE - we've reproduced everything you're seeing.

It turns out that the first issue you're seeing is expected behavior. Only the DSAB master talks directly to the HS34, and so it needs to have the HSI screen for the bearing button to work. So you have to choose which screen's HSI you want to be able to control the bearing source from, and make that the DSAB master.

The second issue is a small bug that it looks like you've found. A few minutes of testing has seemed to reveal that there is some time component at work here. In other words, for a short period of time, it the bearing can't be set, followed by a period of time where it can be set. We're looking into it.

If you want to confirm that the next firmware version has this fixed before it's released, and you're fairly technical, we encourage you to sign up for our beta program here.


New Member
Nov 10, 2005
I'm trying to check out my new HS34. I've completed the wiring harness and have started bench testing. I hooked up the RS232 9 pin connector to the laptop, applied power to the HS34, and tried to check the version level, just to make sure it was talking. The computer reports it cannot find any serial device.

The laptop port is working as I just used it to configure a Garmin GMA 347. There is power to the HS34 as the lights are on. I am using serial 1 on the HS34 (HS34 male25 pin 14 to D9 pin 2 & HS34 male25 pin 1 to D9 pin 3 & gnd to gnd.) I have had no trouble in the past interfacing with the D10A and EMS D10 and installing updates. They have been flying just fine for over a year.

Th HS34 is only hooked to power and the laptop, nothing on the DSAB line. Is this a problem? I've triple checked the wiring and can't see aproblem there. Any ideas?


Roger Johnson
Long EZ N34JR


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
The last issue is a known bug and will be fixed.

The first two we haven't seen before, but we're wondering if you still have the GPS serial coming into the D100 or D10A. If you do, that could cause issues. Now that you have the HS34, it should be the only place receiving the GPS serial output.

Hey guys -

This appears to conflict with what you told me regarding having my 496 hooked up as "emergency GPS." In this thread you said that the EFIS ignores the direct serial connection if the HS34 is turned on, and that hooking up a battery powered GPS directly would provide functionality in case of loss of ship power (EFIS & GPS running only off of battery power).

What am I missing?


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
Bump for the Dynon team - I'm getting ready to install my new system, and need an answer to the above question.

Do I need to cut the wire from my 496 direct to my D-180 to prevent loss of GPS signal through the HS34? Where does this leave me for an aircraft electrical-out scenario?




Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We may have spoken a little bit too soon when we said you can have the serial wire connected to both the HS34 and the D180 at the same time. We've since discovered that in some cases this can cause the HSI to display data improperly (the HSI will flicker). This doesn't affect every installation, so you can try it the way you have it set up if you want, and it causes any weirdness, sever the connection between the GPS and the FlightDEK-D180. We're taking a deeper look at this behavior.

Even without the preservation of the HSI data on the FlightDEK-D180, if you have the backup battery in both the D180, an electrical failure wouldn't affect either's ability to work. So you'd still have primary flight instruments, and you'd still have your moving map.

One last subtle point. If you test your setup and find that your HSI does flicker when connected as described above, you could opt to connect a switch that keep the D180 and GPS disconnected in normal operation. Then, if the power goes out, you could flip that switch to connect the GPS and D180 directly. This would would preserve the HSI screen on the D180.


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
We may have spoken a little bit too soon when we said you can have the serial wire connected to both the HS34 and the D180 at the same time. We've since discovered that in some cases this can cause the HSI to display data improperly (the HSI will flicker). This doesn't affect every installation, so you can try it the way you have it set up if you want, and it causes any weirdness, sever the connection between the GPS and the FlightDEK-D180. We're taking a deeper look at this behavior.

Even without the preservation of the HSI data on the FlightDEK-D180, if you have the backup battery in both the D180, an electrical failure wouldn't affect either's ability to work. So you'd still have primary flight instruments, and you'd still have your moving map.

One last subtle point. If you test your setup and find that your HSI does flicker when connected as described above, you could opt to connect a switch that keep the D180 and GPS disconnected in normal operation. Then, if the power goes out, you could flip that switch to connect the GPS and D180 directly. This would would preserve the HSI screen on the D180.

Ok, then you may want to re-word the addition I added to your wiki here. I'll try it and install the switch, if necessary.

BTW, I really like the Wiki concept for your documentation.