HSI Operation


New Member
Oct 1, 2009
Victoria, Australia
I've been trying to decide on the merits of including an SL30 in my panel. I'm trying to figure out how it plays with a Skyview.
I've been searching through the installation Manuals & Pilots Guides of both Skyview and the SL30 and the Dynon wiki pages to try and gain a better understanding of the HSI Operation. I am particularly interested in how the Course is selected and what information is required for a bearing source to be valid. The HSI sections are a little vague on its operation. I think some HSI specific screen shots would help here.
I have these questions related to HSI Operation.

1/ How is Course (OBS) set using the Skyview controls?

2/ Are the Skyview ARINC 429 TX and RX labels all the same as an HS34? i.e TX 100G,203,204,210,211 & 320. RX 034G,100,173,174 & 222

3/ Is the Course (OBS) sent out over RS232 to an SL30?

4/ How do the Nav and Bearing Source functions work if previously connected sources are not outputting NAV data. i.e. SL30 or Nav section of GNS430W are not dialled in to an active VOR/ILS frequency. Are they simply not available for selection, greyed out or selectable
but no HSI data is displayed other than the basic DG.

5/ Can a valid standby frequency, say 'SBY1' the standby for 'NAV1' be selected as a Bearing Source?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
1) Simply spin the course when tuned to a VOR to set the radial you want to fly. Spin it when tuned to a LOC/ILS to make it easier to read.

2) Yes, they are. This does not affect SL30 operation though, since SkyView communicates with the SL30 via RS-232 serial.

3) Yes.

4/5) You can always select both the NAVX and SBYX on the bearing pointers for the SL30/430/GPS/etc, but if the device is not reporting the bearing or it's not valid in some way, it will be blank. The SL30 and most other devices generally report the bearing if it knows it. We're not doing any magic to come up with it, frankly.


New Member
Oct 1, 2009
Victoria, Australia
Thanks, it seems to operate as I would expect. You say 'simply spin the course' but what is the course control on a Skyview screen?
Is it the left or right rotary control and do you have to select it from the pop up menu like HDG or BARO? It does not appear in any screen shots I have seen of the pop up menu, so I'm assuming that it would only appear in this menu when a valid NAVSRC (GPS or Radio) is selected.


New Member
Oct 2, 2007
Warrenton, Virginia
With the Nav 1 selected (SL30) you will get a choice for the knob. I believe it is marked CRS. You can then use the CRS knob to rotate to the right radial of the VOR/Nav source.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Right - CRS is one of the selectable options for the knob when the HSI is active.