IFR in Canada


New Member
May 19, 2011
Quebec City, Canada
I would like to have the "VFR only" restriction removed from my aircraft for IFR use. I currently have a 10' Skyview touch with a GNS-430W. I know that a second HSI, in the form of an additional 7' Skyview classic will be needed for redundency as per Transport Canada regulations and knowing that CAR 605.18 states:

(j) sufficient radio navigation equipment to permit the pilot, in the event of the failure at any stage of the flight of any item of that equipment, including any associated flight instrument display,
(i) to proceed to the destination aerodrome or proceed to another aerodrome that is suitable for landing, and
(ii) where the aircraft is operated in IMC, to complete an instrument approach and, if necessary, conduct a missed approach procedure.

In the event that the GNS-430W fails, can I manage the above requirement with the Skyview only with all IFR fixes in the database knowing that Canadian geo-referenced approach charts are not available on Skyview. Non TSO'd equipment is acceptable but not Ipads. I will also need ton convince TC which will not be an easy task. :p



New Member
Jun 19, 2009
Wetaskiwin, AB
i've pondered the same question.  My solution was to add an SL-30 to the GNS-430.  That gives me dual coms, dual navs and an IFR GPS.  I think it would require that any planned alternate would need to have a VOR or ILS approach available, should the GPS be the item that fails.  Dual Skyviews should provide the required display redundancy. Dynon has been very clear that their GPS is VFR only, not IFR eligible.  Then again, I'm a couple of years away from finishing my airplane, so I have no idea if Transport Canada will agree.



New Member
May 15, 2011
I built my 9A four years ago under the assumption that I was eventually going to get the VFR only restriction removed at some point. I did this last year working closely with TC. They were very helpful out of Hamilton offices. They did a good job dechyhering the regs. I recommend talking with them. There is a little more to it then in your original note. For instance, you actually don't need a GPS at all, but you will need two sources of ground based navigation. (Ps, I have the GTN650). I have some detailed documentation from TC if you are serious about doing this.


New Member
May 19, 2011
Quebec City, Canada
Well I guess I'll have to go with a Skyview classic for my second EFIS screen because Dynon does not manufacture 7" Touch. I guess that even if they had an outrageously generous trade-in program, it would be too much money to trade on and buy another one. This leaves me to ponder...
Why would Dynon/Advanced manufacture so much competing EFIS models which all go one against the other in a somewhat limited market. I'm just asking and in no way critical of their business model being a VERY satisfied Dynon customer for many years. ::)


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005

Thank you for being a loyal customer. Why so many models? I have lots of answers:

First, because we have so many different customers, with so many different airplanes, for so many different missions. And believe it or not, many pilots have strong opinions. :)

Light aircraft, mostly experimental, is all we do. So we decided to fulfill as many missions as possible, and also help make aviation as affordable as possible. We do that by designing many different features and capabilities, without burdening everyone with the cost of some of those features and capabilities.

Another reason is that we try to support products as long as possible to not leave customers hanging, yet still take advantage of the latest techology. We still make the EFIS-D10A which we started selling in 2004 using 2004 technology, yet also make the HDX with 2016 technology. HDX certainly has more features and capabilities, yet for certain missions the D10A is still a good instrument.

And last, we are a worldwide company with customers in over forty countries. Sometimes we make products for different regions (8.33 KHz and 25 kHz radios for example), that aren't needed or cannot be used in other regions. 



Sep 6, 2008
Salut Denis

I will appreciate if you could PM or e-mail me your results with TC once you have your VFR only restriction removed and IFR capability added as I'm planning on doing the same thing next summer.


rv4 at videotron.ca