Inner marker "I" show on the D100 screen?


Jun 15, 2012
I connected my King KR22 marker beacon (wiring diagram is attached to this post) to my D100.  The "O" and "M" are continuously visible on the screen of the D100, but the "I" is not.  If I ground the "I" circuit, the white "I" will appear on the D100 screen, but disappears again once I unground the circuit.  Is that the normal operation, or should the white "I" be continuously visible like the "O" and "M"?

I have my HS34 set to where the "O" and "M" are visible.  If I change the HS34 setting, they disappear from the D100 screen, so I think I have the HS34 setup correctly.  I just cant recall which way I have the HS34 setup as I type this.  I know its set to marker pins, tone yes, but the other two settings I cant recall as I type this.

I have flown with it, and the outer marker "O" does flash on the D100 and it make sounds on the audio.  I haven't flown over a middle marker and inner marker yet.


  • KR-22_connections.pdf
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Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
So historically these turned on physical lights in panels, so those wires are basically just switched to ground. When the marker beacon receiver wants to tell you about a beacon, it grounds that wire to turn on a light (or ground it repeatedly to flash it possibly). So on the HS34, if that line is grounded, you'll see the beacon symbol. That's "lit up". When the wire is ungrounded, you won't see anything in that spot. So nominally, if the signal is ungrounded when there isn't a beacon signal, they should all be ungrounded and unlit.