Installation of D10A EFIS and Auto pilot


New Member
May 15, 2011
I have an RV9A with Dynon Skyview installed and operating.  When I purchased the Aircraft it came with a D10 A backup EFIS with servos (sv32), EDC unit and some cables,  but I need to install this unit and integrate it into the existing system.  I have studied the wiring plans for each of the units, but there is nothing specific showing me how to link it all together.
Can somebody help me with this as I would like to install this myself so I understand how it all works. Some sort of plan would give me a place to start at least.
I have also purchased  Jeppersson airspace data, have a mode C transponder, SL30 and Garmin 495.  I beleive the intention was to run the Autopilot from then D10A.  


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The SkyView and the EFIS-D10A cannot talk to one another at all, so you have two totally different systems.

Most installs would run the autopilot off the SkyView, and just have the D10A as a backup attitude, airspeed, altimeter, etc. I think you'll find this setup to give you the most functionality, since you can do your flight planning in SkyView.

The install manual for the SkyView covers how to hook up the servos, and the EFIS-D10A manual covers how to hook up the EDC. Check out these documents then get back to us if you have any more questions.