Interfacing an AV8OR with a D10A


New Member
Jun 14, 2006
Can anyone provide the proper pinout from the mini USB used in the AV8OR to drive the D10A?

It appears that it is necessary to order the King P/N 005-037-02-0017 mini USB to DB9 cable and then select the proper pins to drive the D10A. Could use some help here to determine the correct connection.

I think that the AV8OR will either provide NMEA serial out or in, but not both at the same time, so if it was desired to interface the ZOAN XRX while using the AV8OR to drive the D10A, it would have to be done using bluetooth, since the serial connection would not be available.

If anyone has experience here, it would help. Can't find much info on any of the websites to make a proper determination.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The connector on the AV8OR is a special one, where they have a normal mini USB, but there are other pins that a special cable touches to get RS-232.

You have to buy their cable to use this function.


New Member
Jun 14, 2006
Got the AV8OR working with the D10A. The interface is easy. Get the King P/N 005-037-02-0017 cable which is about 12 bucks from Aircraft Spruce and plug it into the Serial data DB9 connector used to update the Dynon. Set the AV8OR and Dynon settings as described here:
Your done.

There is only one small problem. It doesn't work... There does not seem to be any NMEA output, at least not from my AV8OR.  After some experimenting, I found a fix:

1. Start the AV8OR.
2. Start the Go Drive road navigation program.
3. As soon as the program loads, select EXIT and quit the program.
4. Start the Go Fly program.
5. The D10A should now see the AV8OR

I don't know if this problem is unique to my hardware, but doing as described above solves the problem for me. Apparently, the Go Drive program resets the NMEA output somehow. If I boot the unit and go directly to Go Fly, the D10A does not see the GPS. I'd like to hear from anyone who can go directly to Go Fly without having an issue. This would help pin point the problem.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Just a note, but it's totally possible on a 396, 496, or 696 to have weather, traffic, and an output to Dynon all at the same time.

They all have weather internal that takes up no ports, so the serial port does not come in to play.

They can be configured to RECEIVE TIS/ZAON traffic on the serial port while also TRANSMITTING data to the Dynon at the same time.