IO-540 Fuel Flow Setup


I love flying!<br />
Mar 5, 2016
For those who have a IO-540 what fuel flow do you show at 1000 RPM idle and what value do you have entered at P14?

The Backstory:

I am upgrading (adding a SV-1000 and all new wiring) a new-to-me airplane with a Lycosaurus IO-540 and the fuel flow is showing 0.0 GPH at idle however the fuel flow indication at max power appears to be accurate (however I have not gotten to the stage where I can verify the accuracy so at this point I would be happy with correct FF at idle).

The FloScan 201B is installed with an uphill stretch of hose and it also has straight through fittings as per the Installation Manual. The sticker has fallen off so I do not know if it is the 28k or the 31k unit

The previous owner setup the following values in SETUP CALIBRATION:

PUL/GAL (C37 P14) 29840
PUL/GAL (C37 P19) 10000

The airplane does not have a fuel return so I do not know why the P19 has been setup at 10000 but I do know that the WHT/BLK wire is not connected to anything so I am just dealing with the P14 from the FloScan.

So the I am trying to get a ball park of what the actual fuel flow should be at idle and if someone can give me the value that they have inserted for the 28K unit and also the value for the 31K unit I can see what value works best and then fiddle from there.



Jan 22, 2010
I usually see about 5gph at 1000rpm when the engine is cold and about 3gph when the engine is warm.
The cube is fiddle. You have the right area for the settings. I would leave it and call support. You have a different issue than settings. Maybe move it to 31K and see if that makes a difference. I only have one connection to cube.