Hi Dynon,
I am a newbie to the Dynon product line and to this forum. To educate myself on the expensive products I just bought and to get my airplane flying safely I have read almost all of the posts on this forum.
Some of the guys on this forum are "the salt of the earth" and are pleasant, helpful, and nice...however...there are also some real, shall we say "difficult" people on this forum (bless their hearts)...and it is not just one or two but a bunch of "those guys"...
From the perspective of a Newbie, it seems like the "culture" or "spirit" of this forum IS ALLOWED to be kinda "snarky" and some people are just downright mean.
The questions I have are:
-Is this the "culture" that Dynon wants to have on their product forum?
-Is this the culture of the Dynon company itself?
-Is this becomming the culture of General Aviation pilots?
The Dynon folks really did a good job writing the manuals however these systems are so complex with so many options and variables that it is impossible for an installation manual to address every possible design.
When a person builds an airplane they not only read the Dynon manual(S) but they also read and study literally THOUSANDS OF PAGES of various other manuals and it is really impossible for a human to digest and retain so much information.
That is why Dynon provided us with a user forum where the Newbies (like me) can ask the Experts questions and the experts volunteer their time (in the same way people volunteer their time for charity work) and the experienced folks are essentially "mentors" and they help other out the other guys and "pay it forward" ...then the Newbies become more knowledgeable and help the next generation, and the next, and then everyone learns and the whole community benefits.
I do not think the "culture" of General Aviation is snarky...yes you get a couple of bone heads out there...however my guess is that in the aggregate most people in GA are kind, nice, and helpful and that is why people pay a hundred dollars to fly to some distant airport to have breakfast with other people.
If most people in GA were like some on this forum then the airport restaurants would all go out of business.
In most organizations, communities, workplaces, and clubs the "culture" of the group is promoted by the authority/leaders.
If the leaders want the culture/spirit of the group to be nasty they allow it to migrate in that direction.
It is really easy to spot an organization with a positive leader.
So if I can kindly ask the Dynon moderators to please moderate and if some posters get nasty to proactively give them a gentle nudge in the positive direction (on the public forum so as to set the "tone") and if the posters still treat this forum like some kind of political discussion forum with the un-funny snarky quips then please take whatever action is necessary to keep this space "positive", "helpful", and the kind of place that will reflect well of the Dynon experience
OR...the same "usual suspects" will continue to be snarky and condescending and nobody will post and nobody will answer and nobody will benefit...and that can't be good for Dynon and like the Chelton buyers discovered...it will be bad for us as well.
Thanks for your consideration and have a great weekend!!!
I am a newbie to the Dynon product line and to this forum. To educate myself on the expensive products I just bought and to get my airplane flying safely I have read almost all of the posts on this forum.
Some of the guys on this forum are "the salt of the earth" and are pleasant, helpful, and nice...however...there are also some real, shall we say "difficult" people on this forum (bless their hearts)...and it is not just one or two but a bunch of "those guys"...
From the perspective of a Newbie, it seems like the "culture" or "spirit" of this forum IS ALLOWED to be kinda "snarky" and some people are just downright mean.
The questions I have are:
-Is this the "culture" that Dynon wants to have on their product forum?
-Is this the culture of the Dynon company itself?
-Is this becomming the culture of General Aviation pilots?
The Dynon folks really did a good job writing the manuals however these systems are so complex with so many options and variables that it is impossible for an installation manual to address every possible design.
When a person builds an airplane they not only read the Dynon manual(S) but they also read and study literally THOUSANDS OF PAGES of various other manuals and it is really impossible for a human to digest and retain so much information.
That is why Dynon provided us with a user forum where the Newbies (like me) can ask the Experts questions and the experts volunteer their time (in the same way people volunteer their time for charity work) and the experienced folks are essentially "mentors" and they help other out the other guys and "pay it forward" ...then the Newbies become more knowledgeable and help the next generation, and the next, and then everyone learns and the whole community benefits.
I do not think the "culture" of General Aviation is snarky...yes you get a couple of bone heads out there...however my guess is that in the aggregate most people in GA are kind, nice, and helpful and that is why people pay a hundred dollars to fly to some distant airport to have breakfast with other people.
If most people in GA were like some on this forum then the airport restaurants would all go out of business.
In most organizations, communities, workplaces, and clubs the "culture" of the group is promoted by the authority/leaders.
If the leaders want the culture/spirit of the group to be nasty they allow it to migrate in that direction.
It is really easy to spot an organization with a positive leader.
So if I can kindly ask the Dynon moderators to please moderate and if some posters get nasty to proactively give them a gentle nudge in the positive direction (on the public forum so as to set the "tone") and if the posters still treat this forum like some kind of political discussion forum with the un-funny snarky quips then please take whatever action is necessary to keep this space "positive", "helpful", and the kind of place that will reflect well of the Dynon experience
OR...the same "usual suspects" will continue to be snarky and condescending and nobody will post and nobody will answer and nobody will benefit...and that can't be good for Dynon and like the Chelton buyers discovered...it will be bad for us as well.
Thanks for your consideration and have a great weekend!!!