Linked an Aithre Shield CO meter into my Dynon HDX - as far as I can tell in accordance with the instructions regarding the correct pins on the EMS D39plug .. loaded up the sensor file from Aithre and set up the sensor as per the instructions and I now have two problems - the first is that the voltage being read by the skyview HDX is 1.65 which relates to a CO reading of 100PPM which is well into the danger zone.. in a hanger with the doors wide open and no engines on in the vicinity for hours! Could be the sensor o9r possible a result of my connecting it wrong? The second is the dynon widget file uses the voltage read to 'convert' to PPM by using a pressure conversion relating to psi.. but my HDX uses bar as pressure units .. looks like I'm going to need to edit the widget file manually? Anyone know what it needs editing to? Any ideas?