Tom Martino(Guest)

I own a Dynon D10 ... (unfortunately it was dicontinbued shortly after my purchase).

It works great when I first turn it on ... and during my taxi, run up and take off.  But shortly after take off (seems when the unit warms up) ... the diplay starts to jump and squiggle.

It looks a little like RF or Electrrical interference, but why does it only happen after beinbg warmed up?

I turned off the Alternator -- to see if it was pikcking up noise from that -- and it continued to jum.

Any ideas?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Hi Tom,

This sounds like a bug that we were able to squash via a software update to the EFIS. It is a software timing issue and is usually correlated to heat. So your observation that it occurs after the unit warms up is on the mark. I suspect that the software on your EFIS is older than 01.07.00 (this is when is the bug was fixed). To check your software version and confirm this, bring up the EFIS menu, then go into the SETUP menu, and then choose VRSION. Updating the software on your EFIS via its PC serial interface should cure this behavior.

To update your EFIS software you'll need to download two things. They are both available at http://www.dynonavionics.com/docs/EFIS_D10_downloads.html. You'll need the Dynon Support Program to interface with the EFIS, and also the EFIS-D10 Operating Program right below it. Per the instructions on the page, use the Support Program to upload the Operating Program to the EFIS-D10.

Incidentally, we can upgrade your unit to the EFIS-D10A for $350 (plus $50 if you have the optional remote compass) if you are interested. If you'd like to learn more please call us at 425-402-0433. However, we don't actively try to "upsell" our customers since the EFIS-D10 is still a great product and we will continue to stand behind it. Note that because we simply ran out of software space on the EFIS-D10 (and this was one of the main reasons for the newer EFIS-D10A hardware), future software features that aren't bug fixes will only be available on the EFIS-D10A - they simply won't fit in the D10's memory.