I read the D180 installation and configuration manual this morning although I am still some distance in the project from ordering hardware. I thought the manual was well written and procedurally easy to follow (bearing in mind I have not done this yet). It seemed straightforward in the connection of all wires and configuration of the units. The question I have relates to the serial sentences and NMEA strings. While I understand these are electronic communication, do I need to be able to read these as long as I am only connecting to known hardware configurations? I plan to have a D180 and HS34 as a minimum but may expand to include a D100 and AP74/76. As long as all connections are made per the installation manuals and I use Dynon sensors, is a trip to deeper geekdom required? While I certainly appreciate the work many on this forum perform and the depth of knowledge displayed, my background is as a fighter pilot turned airline pilot and not an electrical engineer. Is that information included to allow interface with systems heretofore untested?