Language lesson


Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
I read the D180 installation and configuration manual this morning although I am still some distance in the project from ordering hardware. I thought the manual was well written and procedurally easy to follow (bearing in mind I have not done this yet). It seemed straightforward in the connection of all wires and configuration of the units. The question I have relates to the serial sentences and NMEA strings. While I understand these are electronic communication, do I need to be able to read these as long as I am only connecting to known hardware configurations? I plan to have a D180 and HS34 as a minimum but may expand to include a D100 and AP74/76. As long as all connections are made per the installation manuals and I use Dynon sensors, is a trip to deeper geekdom required? While I certainly appreciate the work many on this forum perform and the depth of knowledge displayed, my background is as a fighter pilot turned airline pilot and not an electrical engineer. Is that information included to allow interface with systems heretofore untested?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The sentences are there just for people doing their own thing. If you are connecting to the large list of stuff we've already tested, you just hook it up and it works.

You're paying us to be the geeks ;)


Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
Dont worry Skysailor -  They've made their systems easy enough to connect that even a "fighter pilot" can handle it :) Thats pretty easy!

Navy Helo Pilot

As someone who logged way to much time single engine, at night, over water, with an arrested landing to look forward to....I can say that while every other squadron had to apply their own bravado at the bar, Navy Helo drivers never bought their beer when I was there. I never had to avail myself of their skills in an at sea rescue scenario but I was not beyond hedging my bets! Starboard D and beyond!

PS For the Dynon support reps: The rapid and complete response given to all the users here has made my decision on equipping the new project much easier. I don't think any other company approaches the level of support I have seen here.


New Member
Jun 11, 2006
Wellington Aero Club (FD38) FL
touche' but never stbd-d for this bubba but have picked a few
unluckies out of cold water ---- glad you didnt need us but thanks
for the beer just the same!

good choice wrt dynon equipment i've been flying this stuff for
several years its all great....good luck


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
Dont worry Skysailor -  They've made their systems easy enough to connect that even a "fighter pilot" can handle it :) Thats pretty easy!

Navy Helo Pilot

Hey - watch it! I resemble that remark...
