Leaving flight directors on


Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
When the autopilot is engaged the flight directors automatically display. I really like this feature. Unfortunately, when I disengage the autopilot, the flight directors are removed. This happens even if the flight director was selected on prior to autopilot engagement. I would like the flight director to stay on until turned off with the FD button. Since the flight director changes (end ball not displayed if autopilot not on) as well as having the audio autopilot alert there is no danger of thinking the autopilot is still engaged. It would be nice to have the flight director to remain displayed. Might this be offered as a setting?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
It already works this way if you use the soft keys on the screen, or the buttons on the control panel if you have it. If you press "AP" the FD stays on while the servos turn off.

We cancel the FD when you use the AP disconnect button on the stick because that's a more appropriate behavior for a go-around, where you can cancel with the stick, then pitch up, then hold to engage again and not have it try and drive back to the FD.