Lightspeed tach hookup? (and ems settings typo)


New Member
Dec 20, 2009
I just hooked up my lightspeed EI's output pin 6 to the EMS pin 35 and set pulses to 2 in the EMS settings. It seems to work fine. One thing I omitted was the EI output pin 13 (tach ground). Any idea if this pin is required? The tach reading seems to work with everything powered on, but I wanted to make sure there wouldn't be any issues not connecting the ground wire and running the skyview off of the backup battery.

I also found a typo (I think?) in the EMS settings page. Left pulses is listed as 32/34. Right pulses is listed as 33/37, but I think it's supposed to say 33/35.


Nov 28, 2006
Re: Lightspeed tach hookup? (and ems settings typo

I'm looking at the Rev A manual, pages 6-4 and 6-10. Both show pins 32 and 33 for STD hook up, and pins 34 and 35 for low voltage inputs (ie Lightspeed).

I have an IO540 with a left mag and right Lightspeed. I hooked up the mag inputs into the SkyView pin 32, and the Lightspeed into pin 35, with the ground to pin 30 (which is a ground pin).

Not running the engine yet, but the Lightspeed manual shows the shielding going to tach ground.... Most likely for noise abatement....


New Member
Dec 20, 2009
Re: Lightspeed tach hookup? (and ems settings typo

I was thinking about using pin 30 as well, but it was connected along with 2 other wires into a D9 connector.  I have no idea what it is for.  The two other wires are just general inputs if I remember correctly. I will disconnect the D9 if it's something I don't need.

After I posted I went back and checked the tach operation while on backup battery power, and it still worked fine.  It's showing 240 rpm while cranking with one plug removed from each cylinder.

Oh, and the typo, it was in the EMS settings page on the skyview itself. The manual shows the correct 32/34 33/35.


New Member
Dec 20, 2009
Re: Lightspeed tach hookup? (and ems settings typo

I just re-read the EMS section. It looks like I need to remove the D9, as it isn't applicable for skyview installations. Unless someone says otherwise, I'll go ahead and hook pin 30 up to the EI's tach ground tomorrow.

Do any of the other pins labeled "Ground" need to be connected to the aircraft ground bus, or are they ground wires for sensors and peripherals?


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
Adelaide, Australia
Re: Lightspeed tach hookup? (and ems settings typo

AS you said - " they ground wires for sensors and peripherals?"

Jake J ;)


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
Re: Lightspeed tach hookup? (and ems settings typo

The LightSpeed III outputs 10v per the documentation (enough supposedly for the Dynon), HOWEVER....

Some of the older ones only output 5v. Call Klaus with your serial number, he can tell you whether it outputs 5v or 10v. If 5v, he can do the fix cheap, but of course you need to send the unit to him.