Long EZ - remote compass mounting.


New Member
Oct 31, 2007
I have a D10 that I am going to upgrade to a D10A. I am probably going to also get the remote compass at that time. I'd like to hear from other EZ fliers regarding suitable placement that has worked for you. I am currently thinking somewhere in the strake/wing root area. That would be a hassle for maintenance but there shouldn't be any once installed. (Is there?)

Any better ideas?


Oct 24, 2006
Suisun City, CA
:)You can mount it there or the wing root area, or far forward in the noise area like I did. Once installed, make sure you follow the installation instructions. Aircraft in a flight attitude (about 1to 1.5 degree nose up) make sure lead is in the nose while doing this. Also place the aircraft in a known heading for the compass alignment. And then follow the instructions and did I mention to follow the instructions. Don't forget to read and follow the instructions ;). Some just hook-up and wonder why it's not working correctly, and then ask the question on the message board :-[.


New Member
Nov 10, 2005
I also mounted the EDC in the nose of my LongEZ. While this is not the ideal location due to the proximity to the battery, etc., it IS functioning well. For my installation, it was necessary to have the engine running and normal accessories powered up to get an accurate calibration. Since our airport doesn't have a compass rose, I taxied the plane in a straight line on each of the cardinal headings using the GPS. This method worked very well and the accuracy is repeatable. My main issue is if I power up a high amperage component that is not normally on such as the landing light or nav lights, I may get a 1 to 2 degree deflection in the compass. I can live with this compromise as compared to mounting the EDC in the wing root and removing the wing every time it needs maintenance or repair.

Roger Johnson
Long EZ N34JR